Stress, pets and Tank Girl

This last week at work has been incredibly stressful. Up until a couple of months ago, there were three of us in the office, which was fine if one of us was on holiday as there were still two people to cover. Then my boss got a new job and they didn’t replace her so now that Amy’s on holiday for two weeks, I’m running the office on my own. The door buzzer, hundreds of phone calls, hundreds of emails, sorting the incoming post in the morning, franking the outgoing in the evening, doing stuff for people who come through the door wanting laminating or binding done or whatever. On Tuesday I was just about ready to have a mental breakdown. My boss promised getting in a temp or someone from another office to come and help me for a few days, but neither of those things happened.

I’m one week down, one week to go. Because I’m also doing longer days, I’ve been given one extra day holiday in lieu. I think I’m going to need this as soon as Amy comes back just to recover.

I’m saving like crazy to try and get a few grand together so I can quit and set up my dog walking/ pet sitting business. I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have problems getting customers, there are LOADS of people who need their dogs walking while they’re at work and pets feeding while they’re on holiday. I’ve found people who need their chickens, quails and hawks looking after! I would love it!

Speaking of pets, it’s now been over a week since my zebra finches escaped so they’re definitely not coming back. I still feel really guilty for letting them get out, but life must go on. It’s time to decide what I’m going to do next; the house is completely devoid of any pets and that’s something that’s never happened to me in my entire life. Dogs, guinea pigs, gerbils, Russian hamsters, Siberian hamsters, zebra finches, stick insects; I’ve always had something.

I’m considering getting a couple of lovebirds as I would quite like a pet that I can form some sort of relationship with (zebra finches aren’t all that keen…) I’ve heard you can form a stronger relationship with your lovebird if you only have one, but me and Jay are at work all day so it would get lonely, so I would have to get two to keep each other company. Has anyone had experience with lovebirds? What are they like?

I would also like some fish. I’ve never had fish before and I’ve always dreamed of a huge tank with all sorts of different fish, shrimps, snails etc. If I was a billionaire, I’d want a giant aquarium with rays, sharks, and tuna. But I’ll start with a couple of goldfish in a bowl, see how we get on.

A few weeks ago I didn’t my first Apocalypse Girls shoot for 2.5 years with a Tank Girl theme. It was fun, here are a few from the shoot. And no, I’m not smiling, I’m Tank Girl, I’m in the middle of a war.

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July 21, 2013

Saw you on the front page, and had to read because you mentioned Tank Girl. You look awesome, and Tank Girl is awesome.

July 21, 2013

It’s such a shame your little birds got away. 🙁 My suggestion, because my opinion isn’t at all biased (hah!) is getting a budgie. They’re so much fun.

July 21, 2013

Great pictures! 🙂

July 21, 2013

I have no experience of birds, only cats. Get a cat! They are quite happy to sleep all day or go and wander around on their own whilst you’re at work, but they’re still very cuddly! Totally worth it. And SOOOO much fun when they’re babies 😀

July 21, 2013

The pictures are awesome! Sorry that work sucks at the moment, its frustrating when there’s not enough people to go round 🙁 X x

July 22, 2013

Ooh! Would you get a breeding pair of lovebirds? Because I’d totally have one if you did! I agree with Khaos though, budgies are very cute and quirky!

July 22, 2013

Great photos, I like them all. You shouldn’t let work stress you out, if the work doesn’t get done you should keep asking some-one to send help ; if they don’t then just let the work pile up. Don’t do laminating etc. and let the post pile up. I’m sure they’ll get the message . I think love birds is a good idea.