Ramble Ramble

Week one of my gradual switch to vegetarianism and I ate meat for six meals out of 21 (three meals a day for seven days). This might sound like a lot but we normally have meat for about 16 meals a week (every lunch and dinner plus bacon sandwiches for breakfast on weekends) so I think I’ve made good progress already, cutting out about 60% of my meat! One of the meals was just some little bits of ham on a pizza so this could easily be switched for tofu or Quorn.

The chicken style breaded Quorn strips I bought are really tasty; if I had just been given them on a plate and were told they were chicken, I wouldn’t have questioned it. I suppose that shows the quality of reconstituted chicken! The Quorn ham and Quorn bacon didn’t really taste of anything so I’m not sure if I’ll be having those again. I have mini Quorn Scotch eggs to try today. It’s interesting trying out a new diet, I’m discovering new food and having to think more about what I’m eating :o)

I failed at staying dry for January. On Friday a woman standing behind me in a queue had been pushing me for half an hour (yeah, it was a big queue!) so I politely asked if she could please stop pushing me, and she started arguing with me; she thought she would actually get to the front of the queue quicker! I pointed out it makes no difference to how many people are in front and other people started joining in, backing her up! By the time I got served I was so angry with them all I was shaking so I really needed a drink when I got home to calm me down! I justified it by telling myself that people who detox in January are those who overindulged over Christmas and I don’t think I really did. I didn’t even get drunk once and just had a couple of drinks each day. So my liver is fine and it did get a 10 day break ;o)

We’re giving our living room a makeover! We’re sick of being constantly cold and paying £130 a month for gas to heat the house, so we decided to swap the single glazed wooden framed windows for uPVC triple glazing. I reckon it’ll knock at least £50 off our heating bill. So we thought we might as well get new radiators and a living room carpet while we’re at it. Jay’s cousin has also given us a new TV which will have to go on the wall instead of the stand in the corner where it currently is, so we’ll have to rearrange the layout of the room as well. This is good as we’re only using about 3/4 the room at the moment and this will open it all out.

It’s a bit sad that I’m really excited about getting all this stuff; oooo windows and carpets! lol.

My sister might be coming to visit next month and we’ve decided to watch Velvet Goldmine as she’s never seen it and it’s one of my favourite films. Any excuse to watch it again ;o) I think I’ll take her to the rock pub in Walsall on the Saturday too, I think she’ll like it. It’s called The Trough, lovely name. Weirdly one of our favourite restaurants in Walsall (which has now sadly closed down) was called The Ditch. Why can’t they think of nice names??

Ramble ramble.

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January 13, 2014

The job is at a small but popluar pet shop. They dont have any animals except occasional cats up for adoption. They only have one at a time. I used to get my hamster food and cat things from there all the time. All the people were insanely kind when I went in so I hope they give me a call. I just feel awful. I forgot to get the managers name… damnit! I always forget about names. :p and who wouldhave guessed. I just wanted hamster treats and walked out with a possible job prospect! lol. Omigosh I couldnt go without meat. I love meat! But I am switching my diet and not doing fast food soda or alcohol… My body is angry and has been putting me through hell during the changes… I miss greasy food and high amounts of sugar!

January 19, 2014

Quorn products are really yummy, surprisingly. Some of ASDA’s own frozen veggie range are really good. The Glamorgan sausages are lovely (if you like cheese). The bean burgers are also yummy.