NoJoMo Day 8

Why is there a Debenhams advert covering half the screen? Sure I don’t mind adverts in banners down the side, but it’s actually covering part of the box where I’m writing. Another reason to move to Prosebox!

I’m so cold. At the moment I’m wearing: vest, t-shirt, cardigan, scarf, jeans, socks, dressing gown. The central heating is on plus an electric heater. And it’s only November. This is what happens when you buy a 100 year old house!

Today’s walk with Roxie was eventful. We were walking along the main road where there is always a constant stream of cars. I saw a man with a dog walking towards us. Roxie CANNOT be near dogs, so I tried to cross the road. Cars, cars, cars, cars, cars. Roxie starts to get impatient. Cars, cars, cars. After about five minutes of me standing there and the other man standing further up waiting for us, I managed to cross the road. Ahead of us was a man walking a shi-tzu. Then, for some reason, he suddenly turned around and started walking towards us. ARGH! I tried to cross the road again. Cars, cars, cars, cars. The shi-tzu man kept walking towards us, Roxie spotted it. The pavement wasn’t very wide. She tried to eat the shi-tzu.

After the excitement, I saw some lights in the park so I went in to see what was going on. This was a mistake. There was a fair or something, cars and food stalls were parked on the paths so we had to walk on the grass. It’s been raining, the grass was muddy, I was wearing canvas trainers, Roxie is a giant mass of pure muscle and was trying to pull me over in the slippery mud. Then she squatted down in the big crowd and did a giant poo. I searched my handbag, I didn’t have a poop bag with me, people are staring at me…

I asked the nearest stall if they had anything, they gave me a plastic glove and a paper bag they put sweets in. As I couldn’t turn the paper bag inside out, all I could do was put on the plastic glove, tear open the paper bag so it was a flat piece of paper, scoop the poo into my hand and carry it, open, to nearest bin, all while everyone stared at me and Roxie skittered about in the mud trying to make me fall over.

Thanks goodness for weekends.

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November 8, 2013

Oh dear. Sounds like fun. :/