More stuff

I forgot to write about last weekend in my last entry! It was Jay’s birthday so we took the day off work on the Friday and went to the German Christmas Market in Birmingham. It’s become a tradition now to go for Jay’s birthday, this was the 4th time we’ve been. I think I might have started drinking a little early, about 4:30pm, so after a few Weisbiers, interspersed with ducking into Wetherspoons out of the cold every so often for pints of cider, we were pretty wasted by the time it got to midnight. We did get very philosophical though and had a long discussion about life, the universe and everything. The infinity of space, aliens and why we don’t believe in God. We also enjoyed a 20″ sausage in a bun about 4″ long, so the bun was kind of redundant.

I spent most of the next day recovering and trying to stay awake as we were out that night at Smokey Joe’s in Walsall, which sells Texan food. I think there were seven of us. I had pulled pork and beans for the first time and it was delicious. They also sell Cherry Dr. Pepper, squee! Jay and his mates decided to have a go at the ghost chilli chicken wings. Ghost chillis are one of the hottest chillis in the world. Jay enjoys his spicy food, this is what he made of these:

Doesn’t look like enjoyment to me.

Last night we went out with Jay’s workmates and had a laugh. The Wetherspoons we were in is called The Court of Requests and it’s an old Victorian law court and prison. One of the bar staff agreed to show us the old prison cells, which still have the wooden ‘shelves’ that acted as beds and all the bars, very interesting!

Since last writing, I’ve received my study pack for my Domestic Pet Care course and had a look through, I’m really excited to get started. Although it’s only about dogs and cats, not all kinds of domestic pets. It will be useful, though, if I have to look after cats as I don’t know a thing about them! Dogs are more my bag.
The last module is going to make me cry, though. It’s about old age, pain relief, death and grieving :o(
I’ve also bought a book, Start and Run a Petsitting Business, which is really interesting so far. I’m going to have to sit down with it and make some notes and a proper to-do list.

I also took photos of Rob Zombie. I wasn’t on the list, surprisingly enough, lucky I had my phone with me where I could look up the email confirmation I’d received from the management, so I got in! My firts gig in about five months, also my first gig in about six months where I wasn’t shooting from the mixing desk! So that was a lovely change.

Jay’s mom’s coming to visit in a bit. She’s going into hospital tomorrow to have part of her colon removed. She’s always had all sorts of problems with Crohn’s disease and things like that, I don’t envy her. She has to stay in for a week so Jay’s going to visit her every night after work and I have to go and pick him up.

The people I went to Romania with are having a reunion next month. 12th January in York and we’re staying the night, it will be nice to see them all again. And to see if we can still find plenty to talk about besides climbing mountains and bears! lol.

Today I wrapped a load more Christmas presents, I’m doing well this year. I hate wrapping so I like to spread it out, so far I’ve wrapped 14, so I’m glad they’re done. I also put up the tree and opened the first two doors of my advent calendar. Yay, Christmas!

Dog Walker/ Pet Sitter available in the West Midlands.

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December 2, 2012

14 presents! I think I’ve only got about 7 to do. I try to buy square things where possible, it makes wrapping a lot easier.

December 2, 2012
December 2, 2012

Well done on the presents, I just wrapped the ones I had to take to friends this weekend. Hate wrapping! Oooh need to open my advent calendar! x

December 2, 2012

everyone likes a nice big sausage 😀

December 2, 2012

Sounds like a great conversation about infinity and God and stuff. 😉 You’ve had a busy week and eaten and drunk quite a lot. Hope Jay’s mam gets well soon.

December 2, 2012

RYN: Man, just do it! Folk will want you to pet sit whilst they’re at work. Get yourself set up with a few clients, quit your job then do a big aggressive marketing campaign – you can do it, in for the win! xx

December 2, 2012

Sorry to hear about your mum, I hope she’s okay. I have awful stomach problems and that’s one of my worst fears so good luck and big hugs to her Xx

How was Rob Zombie?

December 3, 2012

Sounds like an awesome birthday! I was nearly at that Rob Zombie and MM gig.

December 13, 2012