Hens and rock aerobics

Last weekend me and Jay headed to Nottingham for respective hen and stag parties. We started off in different restaurants (If you can call Hooter a restaurant. That was the boys, by the way), went round the pubs and met up at the end in Rock City.

The girls started off in Red Hot which I was very impressed with. Chinese, Indian, Mexican, sushi, Mongolian, Italian, American food all under one roof, but it was all very well done. Normally if a restaurant has too much on their menu, I don’t expect much (Jack of all trades, master of none) but this was actually very good and seemed authentic. As it was all-you-can-eat, I was VERY full by the time we came out. I was worried I wasn’t going to have enough room for booze, but I didn’t worry for long, there’s always room for booze!

Sophie made masks for everyone; half were Jess masks (the hen) and half were Richard masks (the stag). Sadly I didn’t get a photo of everyone wearing them, but they were appearing in random places in bars all over Nottingham. Rich said he likes the idea that people were cleaning up afterwards and wondering why his face was everywhere.

The eyes which had been cut out of the masks.

We had a list of photo challenges for the hen to carry out, here are some of them.

Get thrown out of a bar. Jess looks a bit too pleased to be evicted.

Hadouken! Apparently it’s something out of Street Fighter or something. If you look it up on Google image, you’ll see lots of better versions, in amongst photos of the band, Hadouken.

Indecent proposal from a stranger.

Having your photo taken with a busker. Don’t worry, we didn’t take advantage of him. Having a group of 25 of us gathered round encouraged other people to come and see what was going on and LOADS of people threw money into his case, so he did well!

Pour a drink from behind the bar. She wasn’t allowed to pour real alcohol so this is water disguised as vodka, lol.


Abbey Road

Jaxx with her temporary tattoo.

And mine! I like it. I wouldn’t want it permanently, but I liked it while I had it.
We stayed out until 2:30am, I was still moshing away to Slipknot and RATM and didn’t want to go home but people were waiting for me outside in a taxi so I had to tear myself away! Very unlike me to still be going at that time, I’m normally falling asleep by midnight. Great night and it was lovely to see all my Loughborough friends. I’ll see them again in two weeks for the wedding :o)

The weekend just gone was a busy one. On Friday night I had a mystery shop in a bar. I had to order vodka and a cocktail, yeah, that’s my kind of work! Got to bed at 1:30am and I had to get up again at 9am, after drunken sleep, and fill in my report from the mystery shop, before heading out to do slightly hungover rock aerobics, courtesy of Kerrang Radio. I love Kerrang Radio so this was very exciting for me. I got to meet Johnny Doom (I suspect that isn’t his real name) and see the studio where my favourite shows are broadcast from.

Also, rock aerobics! More classes should do aerobics to Rammstein, Guns N Roses, Metallica, KoRn, System of a Down and Drowning Pool. It certainly made it a lot more enjoyable and I burnt about the same calories as I would if I were dancing to these songs in a club, lol. Also, it cured my hangover! I would definitely recommend vigorous exercise for such a thing. Sounds mad and the last thing you’d be wanting to do, but it definitely works.

Here are some photos that Kerrang posted, I don’t know if you can see them, but they’re on Facebook and available to the public so hopefully you can.

Johnny Doom

All of us, I’m third from the left.

I got back from rock aerobics with just enough time for a shower before Jay’s dad arrived with Ella the dachshund, who was our house guest for the weekend. She’s as cute as a button but you have to watch her all the time. She was only here for 24 hours but in that time she weed in the house at least five times that we found, and only did it outside twice. She fell in the pond 10 minutes after arriving and came out looking like a drowned rat covered in algae. She also apparently likes to chew cables and we have them in every room in the house.

We Ella-proofed one of the rooms and put her bed and things in there. I sat with her for a bit while she investigated the room and slowly backed out of the room, leaving her to go to sleep. No. She started barking and howling as soon as I shut the door. She’s six months old, she should be used to sleeping on her own by now, but they’ve spoiled her so much, taking her into bed as soon as she makes a peep, she’s never going to be able to sleep on her own now.

I was absolutely knackered after the Friday night out, Saturday morning rock aerobics and running around after Ella all day, so I fell asleep right away. I woke up at 6:30am and Jay hadn’t even been to bed. I looked in the spare room and Ella was gone, so I came to the conclusion that he was sleeping with her on the sofa, and I was right. Apparently she wouldn’t stop yowling so he had no choice. I was completely oblivious, I can’t believe I slept through it!

Last night, Jay won tickets to go and see the band …And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead. They had three support acts, none of whom I enjoyed, nor did I enjoy the main act. Very VERY loud, it was painful to my eardrums and my throat, and the music just sounded like a noise. Yeah, I’m old.

I still haven’t had time to look at any cars, it’s over two months since I decided I was going to get a new one but I’ve just beenso busy! Definitely this weekend. Definitely.

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April 22, 2013

Ella looks like a sweetheart but the whining doesn’t sound fun, poor thing must have wondered what was going on.

April 22, 2013

Get that as a tat! I love it!

April 22, 2013

That tat looks amazing!

April 23, 2013

Sounds like you have been very busy but having lots of fun! X

Rock aerobics looks like a pretty good time! Jess does look quite happy to get thrown out! Also, all the loose eyes creeps me out.

RYN: Sugaring isn’t too bad when done by a pro. A lot less painful than waxing. It is true, men have more dense hair. My appointments usually take 50% longer than a woman getting the treatments. I have an appointment to get my chest done on the 8th. We’ll see how that goes. I have had it waxed twice, and both times it bled.

April 25, 2013

ryn: He’s definitely not my favourite pet. But finding another home for a half-blind extremely co-dependent cat isn’t easy. So he can stay, until I get sick of him again (which happens about every 20 minutes :p )

April 25, 2013

Love the idea of rock aerobics x

April 26, 2013

RYN: You’ll easily fill your time, there’s an open top tour bus too but we didn’t do that. I’d like to buy something for me, I think they had a spa voucher so I might look into that and see if there’s any nearby.