Happy New Year!

Wow, what a party. It’s been a while since I partied with the Loughborough lot and I forgot quite what they could be like. Wild is one word I would use. But I did get to see lots of people I hadn’t seen for maybe a year, which was nice.

It started quite sedate with a game of Twister. Later on, Simon came downstairs to ask who had been sick one of the bedrooms. That is a disgusting thing to do, the bedroom is only across the corridor from the bathroom. Looking around at my friends, I really couldn’t think which one of them was disrespectful enough to throw up on the bed and the floor of our friends who invited us into their home. I have my suspicions who it was, though. Earlier in the evening, I opened the bedroom door to get something out of my bag which was in there, and saw someone on the bed. This certain someone was incredibly drunk so I’m pretty sure it was her.

At midnight, we continued the now six year tradition of everyone squishing into the bathroom to welcome in the new year. There’s a video here, watch it until after the countdown for the most out of tune rendition of Auld Lang Syne ever, plus someone turning on the shower while people are standing in the bath.
(Has the old embed link gone from YouTube? The new one still doesn’t work on OD)

Later in the evening started the naked dancing, with Sophie screaming at everyone to “Take your pants off!” She was a little worse for wear and her boyfriend had to keep popping her boobs and bum back in :-/

By this point it was about 3am and me and Jay were waiting to go to sleep. We were sleeping on our airbed on the living room floor so had no chance until everyone had gone. Jay thought people might leave if he brought the airbed down as a massive hint, but that just resulted in naked wrestling on our airbed and then a massive hole being punctured in it, somehow. Luckily, someone had a spare airbed which he got for us, but we had to start pumping it up again.

The next task was to try and wrestle Graeme out of the random bed he’d fallen into after getting himself undressed. People who live 75 miles away were meant to be sleeping in that bed, Graeme lives about two miles away so it wasn’t really an option. It was at this point he turned into Father Jack, drunkenly shouting at everyone to feck off, sitting only in his pants.

We finally got to bed at about 5am but I didn’t sleep a wink. I’m not sure why, it might be because the airbed was only about the size of 1.5 single beds and we’re used to a king sized bed.

The house fared surprisingly well. Despite everything that happened, the only thing that got broken was one glass. The house, incidentally, belongs to Paula Radcliffe and Ed and Ashleigh are renting it off her. Celebrity landlady!

So needless to say I’m really tired now and will be going to bed as soon as I’ve finished eating the Chinese we’re currently waiting for. Work again tomorrow. It’s going to be a shock for Jay, he hasn’t been to work for 11 days, at least I’ve eased myself back into it slowly.

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January 1, 2013

Yes I think it’s been a bit easier for me by working thursday, friday last week and yesterday. Feels like monday tomorrow so nice to know it’s already wednesday 🙂 Glad the party was okay x

January 1, 2013

I’m not back until Monday so work’s going to be a real shock for me! Hope you get a good night’s sleep tonight.

January 2, 2013

Happy New Year my lovely – this entry made me laugh hahaha! Sounda like oyou had an awesome night!!xx

January 2, 2013

ryn: I was considering the 101 thing, but I wouldn’t be able to think of that many things to do. And I lack the attention span to stay committed to anything for such a prolonged period haha (which is why university seems so daunting to me) I just had a peek through your list; some pretty cool stuff goin’ on there!

January 2, 2013

I’m guessing the mystery chuker-upper didn’t identify themselves either. That’s horrible.

January 2, 2013

I watched your video, going to watch the naked one now.

January 2, 2013

o_0 I love your friends.

January 2, 2013

Haha I wanna watch naked videos! Will watch when next on the computer. Ryn: we can’t move in till the house is done, or at least we can’t until we have a bathroom and kitchen! Probably February/march it’ll be, but that’s why it’s moving fast.. It needed gutting! Still a lot to do really, can’t wait till we get to the door handle stage!

January 2, 2013

ryn: It’s no longer than usual, every week it’s 10 reasons. :p You may be better off searching for a handkerchief cowl pattern, as technically that’s what it is. 🙂

January 3, 2013

ryn: I wouldn’t be surprised if this was the exact one my friend used. She’s lazy and it was the first result haha http://www.purlbee.com/bandana-cowl/

January 3, 2013

ryn: Awesome! I like to wear it as a beard. Because I’m a dork. Also, friending you! 😀

January 3, 2013

That’s shocking that someone threw up in the bedroom 🙁 The rest also sounds a bit too wild for me now, butI hope you had fun. Xx