Death of a bird. Anniversary. Car crash. Photos!

When I got back from Download, Jay informed me that Sylvia, my female zebra finch had died. I leave him with them for three days and one of them dies! I think I’d had her for about four years, she seemed perfectly fine when I left so I’m not sure what happened there.

Toby was on his own then and spent all his time leaping around and shouting. They live in flocks in the wild so shouldn’t be on their own. Last weekend I went and got him a new girlfriend.

She doesn’t have a name yet, I’m waiting for her to tell me what it is.
I had them in different cages for a few days so they could get to know each other. If you put a new female in with a male right away, he can get territorial and possibly kill her so they have to be introduced slowly. After a few days, I opened the doors on both cages and put them together. They were hopping between the two cages right away so I’ve left them like that; they have twice as much room now! Good news is they seem to be getting on very well.

I gave them some new bedding material and he’s just been carrying it around, giving himself a really long Santa beard.

Jay went to Cardiff this weekend for his best mate’s stag weekend. They all dressed as superheroes, here they all are. Jay is Superman, the stag is crouching down at the front; they made him wear a Willy Man costume which had a really long willy. You can see him holding it.

Us girls went over to Mini’s house on Friday for a girls night in as the boys had left us on our own. It was extremely rubbish for me. All the people who were there all went to school together, so they were all reminiscing about who they snogged and the parties they went to. They also all either have babies or are pregnant, something else which is completely irrelevant to me. Even when I did try to join in, they were all so loud and raucus, no one heard me. One of them commented “You’re very quiet, aren’t you?” Well yeah, apart from the fact I’m shy around strangers anyway, I would try and make an effort but I have no idea what you’re talking about and you’re all shouting over the top of me. How do you expect me to be anything but quiet?

Anyway, yesterday I got loads done. I had an Apocalypse Girls shoot in the morning; my first one for over two years! I dressed as Tank Girl and I can’t wait to see the photos, I had great fun posing.

I also went shopping and spent some of the vouchers I earned doing surveys, getting myself a few make up treats from Boots. One of which was a magnetic nail varnish. You hold a magnet over your nail while the varnish is still wet, and this happens. Very clever.

The other thing that happened yesterday was that some idiot crashed into my car that I bought six weeks ago. *sigh* I was driving past a row of spaces and he reversed out, right into the side of me and completely caved in my door.

I’m absolutely furious! I only just got the V5 through that very same day (the certificate to show that I’m the registered keeper.) The bloke got out of the car and kept on saying he didn’t believe that he had caused all that damage and that it must have already been like that! Seriously?! I’ve had the car for six weeks and already had TWO people crash into me in exactly the same place, only I didn’t bother sorting out the first one and I’ll just blame it on you instead. FFS.
He also kept on repeating that he “Looked before I pulled out and there was no one there.” Well, you know, you’re supposed to KEEP ON LOOKING because cars can MOVE and maybe I wasn’t there several seconds earlier, but I was clearly there by the time you pulled out!

I’ve got all his details and reported it to my insurance company, telling them that we’re making the claim on his insurance. I’m just worried he’s going to deny responsibility as he was incredulous that it was him that caused all that damage. I also hope it doesn’t affect my premiums as a lot of companies are now increasing premiums for not-at-fault accidents for some stupid reason, plus it’s only two years since I last made a claim where I was at fault, so they’re going to see me as a liability.

I’ve now got to sort out getting it repaired, I hope I don’t have to take any time of work. I’m so angry right now!

It sounds like I’ve just complained in this entry, so here are some photos from our anniversary celebrations. 27th June was exactly four years since me and Jay met. It was also exactly 10 years to the day since I first met Pete, weird that it’s the same day. But I didn’t tell Jay that, it would spoil the day for him.

Jay bought me a dress and some tights, which I wore when we went out for our meal last Saturday. Here are the tights, the dress was harder to take a photo of. They’re so weird!

Jay with a drink in Brewdog; they brew their own interesting beers.

He also had some lovely summery flowers sent to my work.

He cooked dinner for us on Thursday, which was our actual anniversary. There’s a ghost escaping from one of the plates.

And here are the cards we bought each other. What the hell, it’s a bit weird.

He wrote a poem inside mine, he said it was the start of a song. I hope he writes the rest of it! :o)

Sunshine and showers
See the rainbow, feel the rain
Forgive and forget
Together, our love remains

I don’t know what “forgive and forget” refers to. Either things that have happened a long time ago or it’s hypothetical, lol.

Ahhh, Sunday night dinner is ready, full English fry up. I think he’s still trying to recover from a 48 hour hangover from the stag party lol.

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June 30, 2013

Tom and I often get similar brand cards, mainly because there are not many anniversary cards for non married couples! Very annoying about the car. Can’t believe the guy said it wasn’t his fault! Xx

June 30, 2013

Tom and I often get similar brand cards, mainly because there are not many anniversary cards for non married couples! Very annoying about the car. Can’t believe the guy said it wasn’t his fault! Xx

June 30, 2013

I agree, it’s a total arse finding non marrieds anniversary cards! I love those shoes, by the way.

July 1, 2013

Wow at the douche in the other car! Is he for real? If you wait for the Finch to tell you her name, she’ll end up being called Newport!

July 1, 2013

Autocorrect strikes again! Of course I meant Meep. Not Newport.

July 3, 2013

RIP Sylvia. At least Toby has a new friend now. Which superhero is the one on the far left? Hoboman? That is a significant dent, how fast was he reversing?? I once hit someone who had already been in a recent accident. I offered to exchange details but she said it was getting fixed up anyway! The type of damage you have, it’s going to be hard for them to deny responsibility. Thattype of accident is a no-brainer from an insurance point of view. Are your tights supposed to have holes in? I am no fashion expert (certainly not when it comes to tights) but this is a new one on me! Brewdog are awesome. Was that a true card coincidence, or was there a really limited local selection, or did someone cheat and do it on purpose??

July 4, 2013

RYN: Yeah, it started to, then I got complacent.

July 7, 2013

It’s pretty cool that you guys got the same card. We don’t have that really as I tend to look for the boyfriend ones, although I have been tempted by the “to my lovely wife” ones too 😛 also, if I have the time, I make them.