
I think Roxie’s damaged my back. There was a lady with a Staffie on a lead so I had to cross the road as Roxie can’t be near other dogs. I was holding her lead while she pulled when suddenly she leapt forward, jolting my arm. I felt pins and needles shoot up my arm and thought nothing more of it. But now, a few hours later, I have a pain in my back all down my right side. I’m sure it must be from this, I can’t think of it being anything else :o(

I did my exercises tonight but it’s a good job I’m having a break tomorrow, I’ll need to let my back recover. We’re going to the cinema to watch Monsters University so I won’t have time to exercise. My workouts are coming along well and I can see improvement all the time, there’s just an annoying little bit of belly fat, the bit below my belly button, that won’t shift. Annoying.

So me and Jay performed at Chillifields on Saturday, in front of about 25 people. Yeah, not exactly Wembley Stadium, but we played a half hour set so it’s a start. Last year, one bloke made a snide comment about how we only played covers. This year, we played four covers and four of our own original songs. Oh, but guess whose set was made entirely of covers? Yeah, the same bloke who had a go at us for it. Hypocrite.

Anyway, I’ve updloaded some videos our our performance onto YouTube, have a watch if you fancy it, links are below. Hope you enjoy some of them :o)
You Know Me Well written by Jay
Soon It Will Be Light written by Jay
Few Designs written by Jay
Cover of Karma Police by Radiohead
Cover of Madness by Muse
Cover of Rolling in the Deep by Adele

It’s my mam’s 60th birthday on Thursday and I’ve got a couple of surprises for her. I can’t say what they are in case she reads this ut I’ll be sure to share next week ;o)

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August 6, 2013

ryn: Thank you!! 6 1/2 hours and 2 sessions were put into it 🙂 Ill be posting a better pic of it in a few hours.

August 7, 2013

Ryn: They are great pets! They are american bullfrog tadpoles so they get quite big before they turn into frogs. Its pretty easy to take care of them but its also a lot of work. One of mine fully has her back legs. Waiting for the front ones to come through!

August 9, 2013

Yeah this didn’t come up on favourites 🙁 Glad you enjoyed the performances, I love your voice 🙂 Hope your back is feeling better, that sounds painful x