Update and pics

Well hello there!

It has really been a long time! I am still stuck with the headache inducing, eye straining laptop – BUT – there is relief in sight! Right now I am typing on Aimee’s laptop which she bought with her income tax refund! YIPPEEEEE. The bad news is that it the only good computer in the house and there are 3 adults and 1 kid who like to use it. Aimee has 1st priority of course so my time is limited – BUT – there is more good news. My friend Kevin called me last week. He told me he brought a brand new laptop and wants to give me his old one. God is so good to me . Kevin said he has been thinking about me and knew I was struggling with my cracked screen and he wanted to pay me back for all I had done for him. I was so touched by his kindness and generosity! He is clearing all of his stuff off of it and then it will be mine. I should have it sometime in the next week.

So I see there has been a lot going on in my absence! Lots of rumors and concern that the site will be shutting down. I certainly hope that never happens. I read the DM’s entry and that seemed to alleviate a lot of fears.

I have so much to talk about and don’t even know where to begin! Maybe I’ll do some bullets.

* I guess I’ll start with me. You may remember back at the end of 2011, I mentioned some health issues I was having. Well as it turns out, I have been diagnosed with Type II Diabetes. This type of Diabetes runs in my family That combined with my obesity and sedentary lifestyle, made me a perfect candidate. That’s the bad news. The good news is that it was a HUGE wake-up call for me. Since my diagnosis, I have made some big lifestyle changes. You may also recall me talking about trying to get my mojo back as far as healthy eating. Well guess what? It’s back!

The first thing I did was find a good Dr. The second thing I did was join Weight Watchers. I am lucky in a lot of ways. I have perfect blood pressure and cholesterol. My heart is good. All my blood work except the blood sugar, is perfect. I do not want or plan to die from this disease or any of the other health issues it brings about. I have already lost 15 lbs. and my last blood sugar reading was down 90 points from the one before it. As a matter of fact it was almost normal. I am eating extremely healthy – no red meat, lots of fish (Thanks Jules!) and lean chicken, fruit, tons of vegetables, no fried foods, no sugar, low carbs, high fiber. I’ve always been a big water drinker and I have even upped that. I have also incorporated small amounts of exercise (walking) into my life. I’m not kidding when I say this is the most difficult part for me. Between my weight and my lung issues, it is extremely difficult for me to walk far. But I know it will get easier as the weight goes down.

My Dr. is extremely pleased with my progress so far and so am I. I love Weight Watchers and know several of you are also on the plan. I have a long ways to go but that’s ok. It took me a long time to get here. I will keep you updated.

*Aimee is still home on maternity leave. She is such a wonderful mother and I am so proud of her. She goes back to work on March 1. I know it will be difficult for her to leave her babies but she also enjoys her job very much. We will all have some adjusting to do. Today is her  birthday. I can’t believe my baby is 28! She is out right now with some friends having dinner.

*The kids continue to be the light of my life. I just love them so much. Our newest addition, little Zoe (pronounced like Joey – I had to put that as someone called her Zoe as if it rhymed with Joe, lol), is such a good baby. She never cries unless she is hungry. We haven’t decided who she looks like yet, everyone seems to have a different opinion of course. She reminds me a lot of Aimee when she was a baby. I guess we’ll see as she gets older. Kayla and Leah have a little bit of trouble adjusting to the new baby. Not in obvious ways but I think there is definitely some jealousy on Kayla’s part and some "what happened to me being the baby?" on Leah’s part. But they are both very good with her.

Makayla is still healing from her surgery. There has been some teasing from kids at school which of course breaks my heart. But she has handled it well and so have the teachers. One of her classmates has a crush on her lol. He is so cute – chases her around the playground and gym and he gets so excited when he sees her. I guess this is a small peek into the future.

Leah was sick for what seemed like forever. She had a touch of pneumonia and we thought she would never get well. She is normally so sweet and happy but she was just miserable and cranky while sick. Thank God she is all better now. She is such a smart little girl and I am amazed at her vocabulary. She loves Makayla so much and has become her little shadow.

Guess what?  I’m tired!  And I think this is a good enough update for now.  Here are a few pics:

Makayla and Leah on Christmas day:

Zoe having some tummy time

Leah feeding Zoe

Zoe blissfully sleeping in the bean bag chair

In her swing

The birthday girl


Zoe in the ER – They had to take her one night when her fever wouldn’t break

Makayla and her friend Lilliana.  This was shortly after her surgery so you can really see where the work was done right above her lip

Makayla and her "100th day of school" project

Valentines Day

Okay, bedtime.  Love and hugs to all of you!


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February 24, 2012

wow. great to see you here, and all the kids! can’t believe how big they’re all getting! cute, cute 🙂

I see you in each and all of Your Girls Miss Ann! They have your open, loving eyes. And your heart shines in each of their faces. 🙂 Much love to you and yours!

February 24, 2012

I’m so glad to see you. lol I love all the pictures. You have beautiful girls!!!! Lots of love and smiles to all of you!!!!!!1

February 24, 2012

It’s so good to hear from you! I’m so proud of your progress so far! The girls are precious.

February 25, 2012


Little Zoe is just beautiful! So are her big sisters, of course. I’m so happy to hear you are doing so well on your healthy journey – what an inspiration!

February 25, 2012

Thanks for the update. I understand the weight issue. It is so hard for me too. All three of your girls are so beautiful!

February 25, 2012

So good to catch up. Love all the pics. And yay for you!!! Talked to Nelson about Weight Watchers and he think we can do it on our own (aka, no need to spend the money)…so I’m trying! God is good–all the time!

Oh my gosh! Welcome back to Open Diary! I’ve missed you so much. The photos of the kids are adorable. 3 blessings from heaven above. Sugar and spice and everything nice. Fantastic that you are on Weight Watchers. Are you an online member or are you attending meetings? I think WW is the best plan around. I’m so excited for you and your new laptop. I will be expecting daily entries missy.LOL! xoxo

I have to rush, but WELCOME BACK BIG TIME. I love you and have missed the heck out of you! LOL. The girls are all gorgeous. Oh I wish I could get my hands on this new baby, LOL. What’s her name? I must have missed it. I will be back when I have more time, grandkids fill weekends, LOL. ryn: I WILL write an entry about Emily & also Afton, very soon. I love you. BigHugz.

February 26, 2012

it’s wonderful to see you. i am tickled that kevin is giving you his laptop. good karma. what goes around, comes around. the girls all look like you. all of them. same goes in my family. we all have granny ruby-dixie’s messy right eyebrow too. the boys don’t care. the girls hate it. my lung doc told me friday that more than 2 quarts of water everyday can actually make your body retain fluids…

February 27, 2012

ryn: awwwww thank you! it sounds like you’re doing well in the weight loss department as well. go, us!