Five & a Fireman

Sabres won!!! Whooooo!!! Let’s hope this keeps up!!

Other noteworthy yesterday happenings:

  1. Lukey James turned 1.25 years old 😉
  2. Justin Beiber was in North Tonawanda (am I spelling his name right?)
  3. My husband shopped for baby clothes, by his own initiating!
  4. We took a family "trip" to the new area I’ll be living in to eat & shop.
  5. It was 73 degrees, woot!

So, my baby is 15 months, hmm? It’s funny….15 months doesn’t sound like any sort of milestone or achievement, but I will always remember it as the month my baby started talking. No, he can’t carry on a completely coherent conversation, but his vocabulary sky rocketed and he’s learned to answer many many questions. I think maybe that’s something I should have clarified when talking about his speaking abilities. He has the vocabulary range of a child somewhere between 18 months and 2 years – but he cannot speak like one. His words don’t come out sounding completely accurate. And, he doesn’t initiate conversation. He will answer questions, express interest (like saying "s’at" (what’s that) 100 times a day), or make observations (like saying something is hot – this is his favorite thing to point out, and surprisingly enough he’s always right!). But he doesn’t know how to come to me and ask me for say, a bottle, or a diaper change, or a snack. He waits for me to ask, and then he answers. So, OBVIOUSLY he has a lot to learn – but this feels like the biggest benchmark he’s had in communication. (And I must say, it’s incredible to me to be able to notice these tiny developments & advancements in him. I am so glad that I get to watch his skills slowly progress rather than just notice him doing something one day, as it probably would be if I didn’t spend 24 hours a day with him!)


Two. Yeah……there’s something that really annoys me about that kid. Maybe it’s the fact that he’s like what, 7 years old and singing about his first love? Okay….I know I exaggerated a bit, but he doesn’t look much older than that. So why would every tweens’ object of lust be in our tiny town? Every year, Kiss 98.5 (the pop radio station in our area) hosts a contest that involves a bunch of teenagers collecting things for a cause, and the school with the most wins a private concert. Back in my day (lol) it was only for the high schools & we collected index cards. I don’t remember what they were for or WHY anyone picked index cards?? Now they are collecting pennies…and the proceeds are for Women & Children’s Hospital. Their prize was a private concert with Justin Beiber. Well….they had the Middle Schools participate (probably because the people who love Justin are younger than HS students). I remember hearing the name of the middle school – and I thought it was somewhere in the Southtowns or something because I’d never heard of it before. Turns out – it’s the middle school my cousin goes to, lol. Oops! So, all morning he was sending texts (pictures) of everything going on with the concert. They transported the students to a "super secret location" – but it was leaked on Facebook – they were at the Riviera Theater – which is in the heart of NT. We listened to his interview in the morning and I just wanted to slap him. He’s annoying.

Three. Imagine my surprise when Luke & I were sitting outside playing and a FedEx truck pulled up with a package for me. I thought it was for another house, but when the delivery guy walked across my lawn I was really shocked. I SWEAR I haven’t ordered any craft supplies!! Luke was instantly curious about it and wanted me to open it. It was addressed to Matt, but the return address was from The Children’s Place – there were no special occasions coming up so I decided to open it. I kept reading the invoice, trying to see if it was really from Matt’s mom (she always buys clothes online & sends them to us), but there was no evidence of that. Inside was a super cute spring jacket, and 3 pairs of summery PJ’s. I tried to call Matt, but his blackberry is broken, so when he got home I asked him about it. Apparently, The Children’s Place had an "overwhelming offer" the other day (Bank of America employees get daily "overwhelming offers" that they can jump on – they are for all sorts of things – we’ve used the Omaha Steaks one before…they had one recently where you buy $100 Best Buy gift card and get $50 free – stuff like that). The offer was $15 off $30, so Matt decided to buy Lukey some clothes. He’s picked out things before when we’ve been shopping together, but never something like this – I was impressed!

Four. As I mentioned yesterday, we’ve been going out for pancakes on Fridays for the last month or so. My mom took the day off yesterday, so we decided to try and go then. Matt asked if we could go somewhere near his mom’s so he could meet up with us. So, my Grandma came to my mom’s and then we all loaded into my car and set out for Perkins on Transit. Super yummy! Matt went back to work as soon as we were done, and the rest of us went to Target. I started collecting supplies for my raffle basket for Mal’s shower (I was doing Scrapbooking but someone else wanted it so I switched mine to Gardening – the dollar spot at Target has a TON of CUTE stuff for it!!). I also found these adorable wooden vases in bright colors – I got one in black & one in hot pink – I’m sure they’ll fit in at the new house! I had to get overnight diapers & drop-in’s for Luke, too. It was nice to shop what will be my "home" Target and check out exactly what stores are in the area.

Five. I guess I didn’t realize how much I was missing summer. We’ve been blessed with amazing 70 and 80 degree days sprinkled among the 50s and 60s this April. On those days I keep feeling like that’s how it "should" be and there seems to be too many cold days happening – but, I don’t think my mind has switched into Buffalo mode, yet. Spring in Buffalo IS 50s and 60s. Those warmer days are practically miracles! Like yesterday, it was 73 and I was outside in short sleeves & flip flops and LOVING IT! Seeing 50’s in the 10 day forecast (and even a few 40’s, EWWW) is really depressing. Yesterday afternoon, I put a blanket on the front lawn and sat outside with Luke. He had fun playing with bubbles (actually, he just takes the wand out & puts it back in and tries to blow them every 3rd time but nothing ever happens, and he gets mad at me for trying to blow them for him. All while I get covered in bubb

les from him taking the wand out & putting it back in repeatedly). The sun was shinning on my back and there was a slight breeze…ugh, it was soo amazing. The sun made it feel like l was standing in a hot shower, soaking up the heat. I wish today would be like that.

Sorry this one is so big, but I just loooove it <3

This one is blurry…but I just love it – that is my crazy guy. He has that expression on
his face almost all day long 🙂

Lastly, I have a few pictures from this morning. They didn’t really turn out….they all seem to be out of focus, but they are too cheesy not to share! 🙂   Auntie Joy bought Luke these ADORABLE fireman jammies for his birthday. When the warmer weather picked up they came into rotation (they are a lighter cotton fabric as opposed to the fleecy footy jammies he wore all winter) and I LOVE THEM! I felt obligated to put him on his firetruck while he was wearing them 🙂

His expression is so goofy! I love that you can see his little finger on it’s way
to press the siren button. He always presses it before he takes off, and then
stops to re-press it when it runs out. Cutie 🙂

My Fireman 🙂

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