
ummm. I’m exhausted.

I don’t mean to complain, more like….just, organize my thoughts so I don’t go nuts.

I have way, way, way too much going on. I took on a million tiny little projects for my sister’s shower, and getting them done is just…tough. I’ve had help with the more time consuming projects, which was awesome, but there are A LOT of things that can only fall on my shoulders. Now that we are…what, 4 days away?…thoughts of getting everything done are just flying through my mind. Will we have enough food? Do I have everything for the games? Where can I put everything so I don’t forget anything? How am I going to get 66 balloons transported to the fire hall? Will we have enough time to set up in the morning? Will the cake, balloons, coffee maker, bridesmaids show up on time? 

And it just became reeeeeally crappy timing that we’re working on the closing of my house at the same time. And that everyone involved (aside from me, Matt, our agent Colleen, and our paralegal Robin) are complete idiots. We had to threaten the sellers to do the repairs they are REQUIRED to do. We had to harp on the seller’s agent to get their attorney to send the title to our attorney (and we aren’t even sure that happened yet!). We’ve had to attempt time, after time, after TIME to contact our useless loan processor and we STILL don’t have everything we need from her. We’ve had to hope, wish, pray, and beg to close on time…and since everyone is sitting around twirling their thumbs, we still don’t know if we will. 

I’ve had to make WAY too many phone calls for this process, over things that should have just happened naturally. It’s aggravating, and inefficient, and BULLSHIT.

And the icing on the cake? Even if we close on time….the sellers have had snags getting THEIR house, so they might not be ready to move out at closing. They are required to, yes, but we have a feeling they’re going to ask us to rent from us. I want to say hell no, we have the keys at closing, it’s our house, YOU were the ones dragging ass so we owe you nothing and your crap will be in the driveway. Matt thinks that I’m all talk and when it comes down to it I’ll feel too bad about them having kids and just cave and let them stay. But what if their house falls through all together? Then how long will it take? I’m not going to buy a house that I’ve been DYING to get into, and then not live in it for months. HELL NO.

Yesterday was filled with so many errands that I didn’t get anything done around the house, nor any of the projects for Mal’s shower. So, that feels pretty gay.

Luke is all kinds of cranky today. Ugh. His 4th (and final) 1 year molar popped on one side of the tooth, but not the other, so I think we’re still dealing with that. His bottom right canine came in at the same time – that was a fun day, let me tell you. His teeth count is at 13 – and his doctor said she can see the rest of the canines righhhht at the surface. I want them to hurry up so we can be all set til 2 years.

So yeah, the doctor. He had his 15 month check up yesterday. He is 25lbs 2oz and 31.25" long. He’s in the 50th-ish %-tile for weight and 80th %-tile for height. His head growth shot up a lot the past 3 months too (he was a pin head before….something like the 13th %tile lol….now he’s right around the 50th). 

He cried while they measured & weighed him – seriously, like he was being tortured. But while the doctor was doing all of her things? He was a complete angel. She said, "most 15 month olds would be screaming at me and kicking at this point!". Luke was just observing what she was doing and smiling at her when what she did tickled. He was such a good boy! She said that he looked perfect and she was really impressed with him. Sometimes I think they say those things just for the mom’s benefit lol. (And it works well – hearing that makes me proud). She told us to just keep doing what we’re doing.

They always ask a million questions at the start of the visit, and one of them was "does he say at least 3 words?" and I laughed. I was like "um, more like 30" and the nurses eyes almost bugged out of her head. 🙂

He did a great job yesterday. Last night & this morning were a different story. He slept well and all….but before he went down he was just a total pill. This morning he was getting into EVERYTHING, and now when you tell him no? He yells it right back at you. He even yelled at Monalisa the other day. He was overtired at the time, but I don’t like him doing that. I know they learn from observation, so am I telling him no too much? lol The doctor asked about his temper (knowing they develop one around now) and she said to just ignore him when he does that. But I don’t want him thinking he can just get away with doing that, either, ya know?

Anyway. Every day I’ve been absolutely loaded with things to do – which isn’t that big of a deal if I didn’t have to do things like, struggle to find use of a car, or deal with teething, or hand-hold nearly everyone involved in our home purchase. And? Matt might have to go back to Charlotte again next week because his manager got fired and they need help dealing with the fall-out. His evening & weekend help is like gold – this will all be extremely difficult without it. 

I don’t want to be whiny or anything, but this is just the best way I can vent. 

Today I have to:
Cut out numbers for raffle baskets & bags for the tickets
Call Budweys about doughnuts
Wrap Mal’s present (at least partially)
Make a card for Mal
Do a load of Luke’s laundry
Hunt down our loan processor’s manager to get final inspection scheduled (possibly put on bitch hat)

Log in to write a note

your son and mine are the same weight and height.

My son is a talker too, so it’s always nice to hear the doctor say “he’s so bright!” My poor little guy is so small – he’s 24 months, 34 1/4 inches tall, and 25 pounds! Oh and balloons: big black trash bags are the way to go.