Whistle While You Work
The service for Michelle was awesome. Very nice. Apparently when they did the family viewing Sunday evening, they esitmated nearly 2,000 people walked by the casket. So much for family only. My aunt said you would have thought a rockstar died or something, people were lined up down the block. Monday at the service we had to have it in the Civic Center building, there were too many people to have it in a church or funeral home. Her oldest daughter and some other little boy sang "Wind beneath my wings" they did an AWESOME kick ass job. When her husband Lee gave the ulogy he did an exellent job trying to keep it together. He explained to us the treatment she was getting in Germany and apparently it was working fantasitcally. Basically they disarm the tumors so the body can fight them naturally. They had a slideshow of pictures, which sadly I couldnt see. Stephen said he couldnt see it either, Im guessing because of the lighting in the place. We had a family only graveside service, they laid her to rest on a hill close to her house, very peaceful looking place.
Im sooooo glad Stephen went with me, He didnt have to, but he did. The rest of the family was very glad he did too. He met a few more people from the family. Everyone loves him and I love that. As we were leaving we were all kinda in a rush because mom had to get my Aunt K back to the airport to fly home so I didnt get to tell everyone bye. Stephen got to tell more people bye than I did.
Ok, now, lets see, how did the weekend go. Saturday we helped Craig and Rachel a bit with cleaning the house, we mostly just got the left over hurricane tape off the windows. We played in the garden a bit then went out to eat. Sunday we went to the Rodeo with mom, dad and Justin. Justin was VERY good, I was impressed. We had suite seats, food was good, it was a good day. I enjoyed it. Only sucky part was it was Go Tejano Day, but whatever. Still had a good time.
Then ofcourse yesterday was the funeral. When we got home I was a bit cranky because the room was such a mess. I come home most days and at least straighten it up on the nights that hes not there. When he is home during the day and Im at work, I get home and its a mess again, not even 24 hours later. It’s just frustrating. I have been telling him enough with leaving drawers open, yet he still does it. I shouldnt have been cranky, I should have let him chill out for a minute since he drove SOOO much this weekend, but I was frustrated and I didnt.
I love my Stephen soooooo much, he’s tooooooo good to me. Im soooooo glad he’s mine. Hes more than I deserve I need to get my act together before I push him too far away.
Im back at work now. I SOOOOO did not want to get out of bed to come here this morning. I DREAD coming to work. But Im here, gonna try to survive!