Unsigned Noter

"No, it’s not a New York thing and you should know better than that. Just dropping a line so you know I’m alive. On a different note, guns and beer don’t mix, nor do we shoot friends’ face, neck or chest area with bird shot. That’s a Southern thing. "

"I Still Love You."

Im guessing these are from none other than you.  I tried to post an entry in response to the first one the day I got it but the internet messed up and it wasnt saved.

Anyways, maybe I should have specified, its a NYC thing, not a NY state thing.

Im offended, thats not a Southern thing, it was an accident, accidents like that happen EVERY WHERE all over the world, its not restricted to the south.  Lets not turn this into a political thing, whose team is better than whose, because I know thats what youre getting at.

Anyways, nice to know your alive, the few times in the past I sent you a message you never responded so I just assume you hate me or resent me or something to that nature.

Take care.





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