T Minus 2 Days and counting……







So, only 2 days left…….by the 3rd day my title officially changes to M-O-M-M-Y forever.  Im nervous and anxious and excited and scared…….so many different emtions going through me right now.

The baby’s room is pretty much completed.  YAY!! 

We got broadband today instead of stupid dial up so maybe I will be around more often these days…….then again maybe not with a new baby in the house.

Had my baby shower with the family last weekend, it was a nice shower, got lots of great gifts for Brooke.  We spent Sunday shopping for the last few things we needed for the baby.

Thats about all, nothing new to report.

We are both just anxiously awaiting the arrival of our baby girl.



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June 14, 2008

Ooooh, I’m so excited for you!

June 15, 2008

I cannot believe you’re going to be a mommy in 3 days! Where DID the time go?! I’m so happy for you though. I want pictures once the baby arrives! 😉

June 15, 2008

to me, your pregnancy has just flown by, I can’t believe your almost a Mom already!! Hope everything goes perfectly!!

June 17, 2008

Oh my gosh, you are having her today!!! How exciting! I hope all goes well and i can’t wait to se pics 🙂