*****Splish Splash…….*****

Real Entry 2 back….

So I just decided, screw it…..


Ok Aunt Kim, lets get this thing started……….

About that time Kris and Billy got back so I told her to wash her kid…..


I went in the kitchen to start the shrimp while she got him cleaned up…….next thing I know here he is streaking. Now as I’ve said before he LOVES being naked.  So she is trying to towel him off and chasing him around the house, he is laughing his ass off as are she and I…..he thinks its sooo funny.  I’ve blacked out his private areas because I dont want to be accused of being some sicko with child porn.
Here he is ditching the towel and making a mad dash for it…….

Through the dining room his naked ass goes……Kris close behing him….heres a shot of her ass……

Ahhh, he got caught……..his ass…..

Still with me folks……..this way please~~~~>

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