So come on get your rocks off……

So lets see.  Friday, what did I do?  Ha nothing, anyone shocked? Yeah, me neither.  Saturday I ofcourse had the zoo to go to.  Now this was the weekend Barbara wasnt going to be there, so I had to get there early to set up for class. When I got there everything was already set up, Barbara had done it the night before. She’s very particular and likes things a certain way, she had sticky notes all over the room so that the lady teaching the class would know what to do.  So Im there an hour early with this wacky woman.  Barbara warned me that she was very dry and she sure was.  VERY DRY.  I kept looking at the clock wishing people would start showing up because I just felt uneasy around her.  Finally people started showing up.  Class was a disaster.  She sat down in the back of the room the entire time "Miss Kim can you get me this and that"  So I was running around the room constantly.  Which, I didnt mind, Im there to help. Im used to Barbara standing in the front of class with all of her materials spread out and ready for when she needs them.  Ofcourse Barbara had set this up for Elizabeth, but apparently she didnt comprehend that.  She made me read one of the books to the kids, didnt mind that either, but thats HER job, shes the teacher, I dunno what the point of that was.  She just didnt do anything right it seems.  The songs, OMG the songs were awful, those poor poor kids.  They looked and acted sooooo bored.  Even the parents.  I hope like hell that if Barbara is out again she wont get that woman to take over.  I also hope that this past weekend does not  affect the evaluations the parents fill out at the end of the month.  Barbara gets pretty worked up over those things and I’d hate to see her upset because of them.  She tries sooooo hard to make everything perfect.  Reminds me alot of me.  So anyways, I shot her an e-mail this morning to let her know how it went.  Ofcourse I kept it polite and didnt say anything too negative.

Good Morning Barbara-
I’m sure you’re dying to know how class went this weekend.  Well, it was decent.  Selma’s mom came with her and was telling me that they love the class, Selma is always singing the songs and talking about the animals.  She said that they may take a break, I think she said in April.  It was George, I think, who was asking where you were.  I assured him you’d be back this coming up weekend.
Now I dont want this to sound like I am speaking badly about Elizabeth, but like you said she is very dry, nice but dry.  Perhaps I’ve just gotten used to your style of doing things and hers was alot different.  It didn’t seem like things flowed as smoothly as they do with you.  The songs I think were pretty bad, not much singing along and such, I stood beside her and tried to do some hand motions but no one followed along. 
Anyways, it was a fairly decent class.  If you have any more specific questions to ask about it, go for it.  I know that you are one of those who goes by ‘a place for everything and everything in its place’ so I hope that things were put up properly. 
Have a great day!

After class I had about 3 hours to kill before my meeting for the new exhibit.  So I went to find something to eat.  I wanted to go in somewhere, have something good to eat instead of fast food, but I couldnt find anything that caught my attention.  So I went to Wendys.  Im sitting there enjoying my meal and look up and see this huge buff bald cop walking towards me.  "Shit what did I do" was the first thing I thought.   Turns out they were doing some program thing with some kids and he wanted to know if I had a problem with them sitting near me.  You know sometimes kids can be an annoyance, but I said no, I didnt mind.  They werent really kids, teenagers, maybe preteens.  So I finished my meal and wandered back to the car.  Still 2 hours to kill.  Drove back to the zoo, parked the car, tried to see if anyone was online via the phone.  A few words shared with Mark then I decided to take a nap for the next hour or so.  I turned the car off and crawled in the backseat.  You can tell its getting closer to summertime here.  It was HOT as hell, I couldnt fall asleep because I was sweating so dang bad.  But I laid there, resting my eyes and thinking about different things.  After an hour I got up, turned the AC on and decided to see if anyone of intrests was online then.  Chatted a bit then went inside to the meeting.  The zoo was PACKED on Saturday so when we went to explore the new exhibit you can imagine it was a bit of a pain in the rear.  We had 30-40 volunteers packed in there plus the general public.  It was a decent meeting, learned a few things about the exhibit I didnt already know, which is good.
Later that night there was a bit of drama, Kris and Billy were running their mouths to Josh about things they shouldnt have been.  My bedroom window overlooks the back porch so when people are out there I can hear them talking in my room.  I heard some of the comments and went and told mom.  Shame on me for stirring things up, but I was PISSED.  How ungrateful can someone be?  It was mostly Billy, but still.  What an ungrateful asshole!!  How dare he speak the way he was, and for Kris to sit back and let him and even speak a bit of it herself…..I was ready to knock the shit outta both of them.  You all know my dad is pretty well good for nothing, mom brings home the bacon in our house.  There are 7 of us living there, so the bacon is spread pretty thin sometimes.  Mom pays all the bills and such, she doesnt ask for anything from Billy or Kristy.  NOTHING!!  She does not make them pay rent, chip in a bit here and there, NOTHING.  Infact, more often than not mom stays up fairly late with Justin.  When Kristy and Billy want to go to bed and Justin refuses, mom stays up with him, puts him to sleep then carries them into their room.  On the weekends when Kris is at work and such and Billy has better things to do, if Im there, I watch Justin, if not mom does.  Billy has been living in our house for what, 3 years now right?  Yet he’s STILL ungrateful.  Mom does not have to let either one of them stay there.  Hell, they could go live with his mom.  But they dont, they stay with us……why?  To talk shit about us behind our backs??  Apparently so.  Be fking grateful for what you have asshole!!  Be glad you even get that much because Lord knows he sure in the hell dont deserve it.  Anyways, I was PISSED, Im still pissed, still wondering if I should get Kris aside and giveher a piece of my mind for it.  I should do the same with Billy, but hes not worth my time, Kristy is my sister, she has been with this family for 9 years, she knows how things are, how hard mom has tried all these years, how in the hell could she do that?  I know I would NEVER let my man talk down my family like that, especially if he and I were in their shoes.  You can bet your ass I’d send him packing in a heartbeat if he did.  "Look here asshole, maybe if you would hold a fking steady job, not spend it all on beer and shit and take care of me and my son, we wouldnt have to live with my mom and dad, so shut your fking mouth about them, be grateful bastard"  Speaking of jobs, the asshole cant hold one. In the last 2 MAYBE 3 months he has had 3 jobs.  Why?  Because he just doesnt feel like going and you know, if you dont feel like going to work, your employer isnt going to feel like paying you anymore.  He just got rehired at this place he worked at a few years ago, started the job maybe 2 weeks ago and guess what, he had to work on Sunday.  Sunday rolled around, they called not once but twice looking for him, did he ever go in…..NOPE!!  Man, I just want to kick him in the balls.  Kristy needs to get her head out of HIS ass and carry on already.  Justin sure in the hell does not need to be growing up with a BOY like that for a role model.  ::Sigh::
So while all that drama was going on an OD’er called me.  I shall return his call soon, possibly.  Heather also called me Saturday, while I was at the zoo.  I ofcourse wasnt home so I didnt talk to her, and she doesnt have my cell number, so thats just too bad so sad huh.  She called Mark yesterday and told him she was totally clean now.  Perhaps thats why she was calling me.  ::Shrugs::  Maybe now she realizes how bad she fked shit up.  Toby has been calling me NON stop for the past few weeks.  Saturday night I was sleeping and somehow I got on the phone with Toby.  He kept saying "Did you just call me?" "No" "Yes you did"  thats when I started to wake up a bit and realize I couldnt remember the phone ringing, did I just call him??  Turns out I didnt, but that was a strange feeling.  I’ve drunk dialed before but never sleep dialed. 
Sunday mom, dad & I went fishing.  John was in San Antonio with friends for the weekend and Billy and Kristy were avoiding us, infact they spent the night somewhere else that night.  On the way there I told dad I would be doing all the catching, he laughed and told me I was wrong, guess what I wasnt.  I reeled in the first catch, sure it was just a little sun perch, but a fish none the less.  Dad kept getting hung up so I told him all he knew how to catch was logs.  Mom reeled in 2 little finger stingers and we decided to move on to another place. Our weights were too small and I kept complaining about it, but did nothing about it because I didnt want to risk getting hung up, breaking my line and losing not one but 2 weights at a time.  So when we go to the new place we found a cane pole set up, dad cut the 2 big weights off of it, I got one and he got one.  We casted out and right away I was having better luck.  Dad was still catching his logs and I was pulling in one finger stinger after another.  He kept telling mom he was gonna hurt me, then he wandered over to where I was and tried to cast in the same spot, didnt work for him.  Mom reeled one in so he followed her.  Mom doesnt like to take her fish off the hook so she usually slaps the fish in dads face, not literally, and has him do it.  I was giving her a hard time about that too.  We had a nice little trip.  Dad caught about 5 logs, mom caught 3 finger stingers, and I got the one perch plus 6 finger stingers.  Just incase you dont know, a finger stinger is just a small catfish.  I dunno if other people call them that, but thats what we’ve always called them.  Simply because the smaller ones are the more painful ones, and they really do sting your fingers.  You have to hold them just right.  The bigger cats arent so bad, the poision isnt as potent.  
Last night I had to stop to get gas before going and getting mom.  I didnt turn the car off, because the battery cables had been giving us problems.  I stuck my card in and it kept saying ‘network failure try again’  After a few times I switched pumps, same thing, so I turned the car off, went inside and paid.  After pumping the damn car wouldnt start.  I fooled with it a bit, but still nothing.  Called dad.  John went to get mom and Josh and Dad came to get me.  Just before they got there this nice lookin guy stopped and asked if I needed help.  He cleaned the battery up a bit and it pretty much started right up.  I was killing time on YM! on the phone and Trae was a bit irritated I think when I informed him some stranger had helped me.  He was at work and willing to leave to come help me, but I told him I had called someone.  Then the stranger showed up…..oh well Trae, Im a big girl.  Besides, this guy was wearing a mechanic suit and I was in a well lit gas station parking lot at a very busy intersection just off the freeway.  Dad and Josh followed me home.  Josh started to change the battery hook ups and got acid in his eye.  I let him use my prescription eye drops for my iritis and I think it helped a bit. 
Mark and I might have a ‘date’ Friday night.  Not a date-date, but hanging out.  I dunno, we shall see.  Jonathan called me last night.  ::giggles::  That was fun!  I suppose this is plenty long.  Usually I read back through and correct errors that I find, but I dont feel like it now, so use your imagination and figure it out!  Steve Miller Band was at the rodeo last night, too bad I wasnt there.  ::sings::  Really love your peaches wanna shake your tree.  I’ve been jammin to the greatest hits CD making up for not being there. 
Hope everyone else had a swell weekend.  I havent been reading faves lately so I guess I should go catch myself up on everyones life huh?

I dunno if I’ve already shared this song with you guys or not, too bad if I have, its a good song.  Enjoy!

True Fine Love

By: Steve Miller

I ain’t complainin’
But I’d sure like to find me
A true, fine love
Someone another
That’s as sweet as your mother
A true, fine love

Cause the time is right
For walking in the moonlight
I have suddenly found I’m ready to settle down
So come on get your rocks off
I’m gonna knock your socks off

You’ll see, oh yeah
So come on pretty baby
We’re going to raise a family

There’ll be no hesitatin’
Cause I’m so tired of waitin’
For a true, fine love
Someone another
Like a sister or brother
A true, fine


Cause the time is right
For walking in the moonlight
I have suddenly found I’m ready to settle down
So come on get your rocks off
I’m gonna knock your socks off

You’ll see, oh yeah
So come on pretty baby
We gonna raise a family

Well I ain’t complainin’
But I’d sure like to find me
A true, fine love
Someone another
That’s as sweet as your mother
A true, fine love

Cause the time is right
For walking in the moonlight
I have suddenly found I’m ready to settle down
We’ll have a boy for you, we’ll have a girl for me
Come on baby raise a family

So come on get your socks off
I’m gonna knock your rocks off








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