How many of you have actually heard of this?? Let me shed a little light on it and share with you what exactly it is and how they plan to do it. This is why we need to fight the ILLEGALS, not just Mexicans ofcourse, but since they plan to "take over" them more so than others. Now, I understand not ALL of them agree to this but the fact is more than enough do, we need to stand up for ourselves.
Reconquista: the Invasion of America
The American Southwest …seems to be slowly returning to the jurisdiction of Mexico without firing a single shot." July 20, 1982, Carlos Loret de Mola, The Great Invasion: Mexico Recovers Its Own, Excelsior [newspaper], Mexico City
There is a plan, called The Plan Of Aztlan, that’s been in effect for about four decades. The goal, being pursued vigorously by radical, racist Chicano (Mexican-American) groups and the Mexican government, is to reconquer (Reconquista) land lost to America in the Mexican-American War that ended in 1848 with the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo.
Mexicans and many Mexican-Americans have never accepted the loss of their land, inhabited long before the gringos (white Europeans) arrived. Chicano groups like MEchA (Chicano Student Movement Of Aztlan) want to reconquer seven states in the Southwestern United States called Aztlan, the mythical home of the Aztecs. They include: California, Arizona, Texas, New Mexico, plus parts of Colorado, Nevada and Utah.
The road to success is based on infiltration (illegal aliens from Mexico) and demographic dominance (like-minded Chicanos being elected to political office by a region overwhelmingly of Mexican origin). What would exist is a de facto alien nation, with loyalty to their Mexican homeland. Efforts would be made to establish a separate government or to rejoin Mexico. Note that Mexico has granted dual citizenship to Mexican immigrants with U.S. citizenship as well as to their children. Kind of speeds the process along. No repatriation needed.
Chicano Studies programs in many colleges advance the cause by indoctrinating young Chicano students to hate white America and to participate in driving them from the Southwestern U.S., all paid for by the American taxpayer. These students then go on to win political office (example – Cruz Bustamante, Lt. Governor of California and former member of MEchA). And the momentum builds.
Anything to achieve their goal is utilized. Non-assimilation is preached. Keep your" Mexicaness". And the new immigrants are doing just that. Bi-lingual education is demanded. Demonstrations, intimidation of officeholders and lawsuits are filed to defeat proposed laws like Proposition 187 (denies public benefits to illegal aliens).
Vicente Fox, President of Mexico, is a major participant in Reconquista, the invasion of America. His efforts toward making the dream a reality include dual citizenship for Mexican-Americans. guidelines to illegals heading for America, a new temporary worker program, driver’s licenses for illegals and the legalization of millions of undocumented Mexican workers in America. He also supports a European Union type of arrangement between Canada, the U.S. and Mexico, including open borders. That would be a definite gain for Mexico and the soon-to-be predominately Mexican, Southwestern United States. Yes, Spanish would be the primary language and support for Mexico (remember dual citizenship) would make that area a part of Mexico or, at least, an autonomous region, uncooperative with the U.S. national government.
Fox, while speaking in Chicago on June 16, 2004, revealed his vision of the territorial boundaries of Mexico when he said: "We are Mexicans that live in our territories and we are Mexicans that live in other territories [America – primarily the Southwestern United States]. In reality, we are 120 million people [100 million in Mexico and the rest in America] that live together and are working to construct a nation." [1]
Fox’s predecessor, Ernesto Zedillo, proclaimed on July 27, 1997 that:"I have proudly affirmed that the Mexican nation extends beyond the territory enclosed by its borders [again the Southwestern United States] and that Mexican migrants are an important- a very important – part of it." [2]
The following quotes are from Mexicans, Mexican – "Americans" and others who clearly show the serious problem that threatens the continued existence of America as we know it.
Mario Obledo, co-founder of MALDEF (American legal Defense and Education Fund), and former Secretary of Health and Welfare for California, offered this: "We’re going to take over all the political institutions in California. In five years the Hispanics are going to be the majority population of this state." It would be a Hispanic state and anyone who didn’t like it "… ought to go back to Europe," [3]
Professor Charles Trujillo of the University of New Mexico, because of the ongoing large Hispanic immigration in the Southwestern U.S., declared that: secession is an "inevitability". And, "We may join Mexico… Throughout history, nations and empires rise and fall. No nation’s borders have been permanent." [4]
In a June 12, 2002 Zogby International Poll, ‘… 58 percent of Mexicans in Mexico believed that the American Southwest belongs to them and 57 percent believed that they do not require U.S. permission to enter this country."
This blunt statement in 1995 from Jose Angel Gutierrez, Professor of Political Science, University of Texas, Arlington, founder of La Raza Unida Party: "This [the Southwestern U.S.] is our homeland. We cannot – we will not – we must not be made to be illegal in our own homeland. We are not immigrants that came from another country to another country. We are migrants, free to travel the length and breath of the Americas because we belong here. We are millions. We just have to survive, We have an aging white America. They are not making babies, They are dying. It’s a matter of time. The explosion is in our population." [5]
Another declaration from Professor Gutierrez : "We have got to eliminate the gringo (white American), and what I mean by that is that if the worst comes to the worst, we have got to kill him." [6]
Now for a scholarly look at reconquista but a similarly disturbing conclusion, there is Harvard Professor Samuel P, Huntington, Chairman of the Harvard Academy for International and Area Studies , who wrote The Hispanic Challenge in Public Policy Magazine, April, 2004: "[t]he persistence of Hispanic immigrants threatens to divide the United States into two people, two cultures, and two languages… The United States ignores this challenge at its peril… Mexican immigration differs from past immigration due to a combination of six factors: contiguity, scale, illegality, regional concentration, [in the American Southwest], persistence, and historical presence… Demographically, socially, and culturally, the reconquista (re-conquest) of the Southwest United States by Mexican immigrants is well underway."
The immigration catastrophe could have been prevented but our "leaders" i
n the White House and congress seem more intent on collecting new voters than protecting America from being dismantled plus the drugs, crime and potential terrorists coming across our southern border. In fact, Bush recently cut back on the 2000 agents scheduled for the Mexican border in 2006. Now its only 210.
That may be because he is amenable to a North American Community based on the European Union model, part of which includes less concern with borders. There would also be a loss of sovereignty since a number of functions would be shared by members of the union. And, of course, a common currency.
So what we have is a people, united by hatred, supported by their government, with a plan to reconquer a large part of America, facing virtually no opposition from those with the power to stop it.
And Mexico, confronting the most powerful nation on earth, could be victorious "… without firing a shot."
1 – Mexican Immigration and its Potential Impact on the Political Future of the United States, Yeh Ling-Ling , The Journal of Social, Political and Economic Studies, Winter 2004, Volume 29, Number 4.
2 ibid
3 ibid
4 ibid
6 – ibid
I can agree with you and yes, but you see, papers cost money and Fox, well he takes whatever Mexico makes so the people are always poor.
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What P*sses me off is that people make a big thing about it. They say we’re the ones who blew up your d*mn towers and what not. Alot of Mexicans worked there who were not people cleaning the floors but Mexicans who made it to the top. But when it happend, all you heard about was some famous people on the jets, alot of white people but nothing about the Mexicans who where in there.
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My point is, that it doesnt matter if you legal or not, as long as you’re a Mexican you’re looked at an ilegal. I could show them my card and B*tch and complain about how I F8cking pay my taxes as well and enjoy giving the IRS my god d*mn money becuase I don’t wnat them to own me. It doesn’t matter, a Mexican is looked as a hopper as a Eastern is looked at as a Sand N.
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20 billion dollars gets sent back to mexico every year. Fox gets about 80% of it. 20% isn’t much for them and the Mexican who come here and work for a few months do it on a work passport. Some sort of thing that they can get at the border that allows them to work here for 6 months and then go back.
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But anways, I hate tlaking about this becuase I get mad, and cna go on and on for hours about this so lets stop becuase I hate polotics and could care less about who’s the president.
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Well, they never said anything about the Mexican people coming out in puieces. Just white people this and white people that. I wnated to see the Mexicans but for that, I had to turn to the Univison show to see it and then half the time not udnerstanding them becuase they tlak too fast.
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NOW don’t get me wrong, there are alot of bad Mexicans who cross the line and start causing problems. For example, the Mexican guys who hang in bands of 2 to 6 and say spanish things at hot white girls and such. see everyone thinks we’re all like that. i shy away if a girl smiles at me cuz if they say u did something bad, their words over rules mine even if it’s not true.
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who knows. this is why i dont read the news paper or watch the news or the radio cuz id rtaher not know whats going in the world cuz it’s all f8cked up. now when we were under a Orange ALter Terrorist, then I freaked out telling everyone we where udner attack cuz it was orange.
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you ‘White” people call those Mexicasn wetbacks. I don’t see the point inc alling them that. It’s called afordable labor lol. But yeah, the world is F*cked up. I’ve also enjoyed out mini debate lol. I shoul;d be a lawyer! Or an in house speaker but i suck at spelling cuz i use microstof word. computers computers =) and robots, i hate robots.
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You can turn your back on your homeland. That’s like a Mexican who’s all Indian looking and all dark that they look black saying, “I no Espeake Einglish” when they say it all f8cked up. Those people annoy me. You can’t just forget about home. I miss Mexico but wont go there cuz they kill people down there for money and whatever you have on you.
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Mexico has gotten so bad in the past 15 years that it’s not safe anymore. It’s gotten to the point that people are leaving becuase of the killings and all that. It makes me sad becuase it’s beautiful down there (the parts you people never see)and yet, you and I being a native of Mexico can’t even enjoy it anymore.
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I dunno dude, I just cry at times becuase I miss my home. ='( Sure, it’s great here and people hate me for being Mexican but still, you get home sick. You begin to miss the smells, the sound of the ocean, the dark blue water and white sand beaches, and the real Mexican food. I miss it and I the girls too.
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People think Mexicans are all brown, if you go further on south like Vera Cruze where I’m from, you see mostly white Mexicans who I mistake for tourists until I walk up to them asking them what state they’re from and them saying they don’t udnerstand lol. Cuz they’re Mexicans. Hahahaha, home.
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People do get used to it but after soooo many years, it starts to grow on you. Must be why you see people who look stupid with Mexican flag beklt buckles and giant flags on their front yard. Still, that’s over doing it and it isn’t cool lol. But everyone expresses it diffrently. I do so thorugh Music but most of my Mexican music are pop bands from spain.
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hey mind if i add u to my favorits?
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You’ll always miss home and yes, all you cna do is visit and see old friends, family and what not. But I have Spain, Germany, and France cuz I have fmaily there and I’m German Mexican French. So I have other places I miss as well. Mostly Spain and the girls.
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Exactly, not all Mexicans are brown. But further on south there’re more Germans and French people and such. People who went to Mexico to escape World War 2 like my grandfather who’s German and my grnadmother who’s french. Lol, i’m adding u to my favs. lol 1 hour later we’re both on the same page. see, white ppl and mexican can live together in peace lol
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lol i enjoyed our chat 2. if im going to escape, it;ll be to the star trek set of star trek voyager lol. im a geek
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I agree to a point; but this issue has always been there(it should have been brought up immediately after 9/11), was is the hot topic now? It’s just media driven case like Terri Schivo, all the more distracting from the more important issues like the war in iraq, the leaks from the white house, the Abrahmoff scandels along with Delay, etc.
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Dead Bird just needs to write you a letter not leave 5 billion notes. (sigh)
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