Only a week left……

Stephen leaves for New York on Thursday, I leave Monday night.  I can’t believe its already here.  Im not ready to go yet.  Im nervous as hell.  I know everything will be fine, but still, I’ve never been ‘brought home’ before, so its a bit nerve racking. 

Yesterday we went to the movies, saw The Family Stone, its about a guy who brings his gf home to meet the family for Christmas.  Cute show. 

We spent the weekend together doing much of nothing.  Playing PC games, sleeping, eating, gift wrapping, cleaning, shopping.  Fun stuff.  Geeze Im so crazy about him.

I’m in a bad financial situation right now.  Truck note is now a week late and is not going to get paid until at least next week.  I have NO money to go to NY with, this totally blows ass.  My fkin sister needs to pay me some of the money she owes me.

I know I said I was going to leave this diary alone for a little while, but I havent yet.  I’m not going to leave it entirely alone, just not write as much as I used to.

Have a great day everyone!






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merry christmas kim

December 22, 2005

thanks for the note. ive tried ti pick up my head before though and try to forget about him. but i always give back into him.