One more baby!
One away from the WS. Im exstatic. GO STROS!!!
Im stuck at work and feel like shit. I’ve been fighting a fever since Friday. I’m not sure if my allergy attack at the rodeo on Thursday night or what. When I woke up that Friday morning my throat felt funny and tight but I thought nothing of it, maybe I snored really hard. ::Shrugs:: Well my throat has been like that the majority of this weekend. In the middle of the night my fever usually breaks, which leaves me sweating like crazy. Last night was the worse though, I laid down at 9 and by 9:30 I was sweating and I didnt stop until well after midnight, my clothes along with my hair and bed sheets were soaking wet. That was the worst one yet. When I woke up this morning I was feeling ok, until I got in the shower, then it hit me again and I’ve been fighting a fever here at work all day. Ive had the little portable heater turned on high all day long. Poor Anthony, he has to suffer too.
I think I’m leaving soon, going home and napping. Gotta set my alarm though for 7:15 so I have plenty of time to wake up for the ball game!