*****OctoPhoMo 9*****
9th – Favorite Scary movie -OR- The negative look of a picture (think the old film negatives)
I don’t particularly like scary movies. I have a phobia of things jumping out at me. When Stephen and I first started dating I thought it would be fun to go to this HUGE haunted house, WRONG! I walked in, the first guy jumped out at me, I turned the corner and tried to collect myself and he jumped at us again, I walked right back out the entrance. Stephen, of course, has always played into this and is CONSTANTLY jumping out at me. When hes home I am always walking slowly and cautiously as I approach any little nook or cranny he could be in. He makes me so angry! LOL. So, I dont really like scary movies, I dont like being scared, period. Therefore, I dont have a favorite.
But, since I’m speaking of my love, why not use him in the prompt. A picture of us just as we were getting ready to set sail on our Cruise.