More than words……

So, who has missed me?  No one? Well isnt that sad.  Better luck next time I suppose.

I feel like I have so much to say but so little motivation to actually sit here and type it out.  I’m sure once I start typing it my fingers will just get carried away and it will all flow out easily.

So lets see, where to start, I dont even remember where I left off.  Anywho…..this weekend I went to the zoo, turns out I wasnt supposed to be there.  The other girl had said in her email that she was working this past weekend,  I took that to mean working at her real job or something, she didnt specify the zoo.  She could have made that a bit clearer for me.  Thats an hour drive one way…..would have been nice to know I wasnt supposed to be there.  I got there and Barbara asked me what I was doing there…..then when Tami saw me she gave me the DIRTIEST look, that bitch does not like me at all, I swear.  Oh well ::shrugs::  I stayed and helped with the craft at the start of class then went on home.  I didnt even clock my time spent there.  Wasnt worth it. 

Friday night I dont remember……I did something though because I didnt want to get up the next morning to go to the zoo.  Oh yes, I remember now…..1:30am the phone rings, I hear Billys voice "Can you do me a favor" I thought about saying ‘Not if it requires me getting outta bed asshole.’ But I didnt say that……I asked what.  He informed me that he was at HITW and got in a fight and someone busted out the windows on his truck.  He wanted me to go get Kris and take her up there cause he was about to call the cops.  I did so.  We left there around 2:15ish….went to Kris’ house.  The windows were knocked out pretty bad.  The police wrote out a report.  Kris asked if I’d take Justin home with me because she didnt want him riding around in the truck the next day with Billy with the glass in his carseat.  She had to work.  So I agreed yet again.  Then she said I might as well just take her to work, she has to be there at 4.  So I did.   Justin slept through it all until about 3:30.  He was up from then on……didnt wanna go back to sleep.  I finally got to sleep around 6.  Mom and dad took Justin for me.  I was up again at 8 to get ready for the zoo.  Mom said "They are lucky to have an Aunt and sister thats willing to do those things for them"  Shes right, they are……..I was sleeping good.

So I get back from the Zoo and hang out with my Froggie.  I was his favorite person all weekend.  I started working on my chicken pen and getting measurements for Justins rabbit pen.  I’m gonna get him a rabbit for easter.  I’ve got most of the supplies at the house.  Just gotta run out for a few more things. 

I told Billy I wanted to get the truck fixed this week.  Dennis ***** came over later Saturday evening and he said he’d get the tranny fixed and he was planning on going up to his ranch thing on Weds and he’d even bring me back some chickens.  Whoo hoo, I dont gotta buy them.  Then yesterday just before walking outta the office the phone rang.  I heard JOSEPHS voice say "hey"  I was starting to get aggitated and nervous all at once.  What the hell does he want.  He wanted to know if I had talked to Billy or Kris. I told him no, thats when he informed me that Dennis *****’s dad had just died and Billy needed to go close up the shop.  Turns out he wasnt exactly dead, just had no pulse so they were taking him to the hospital. I havent heard yet if he did die or not.  So much for the chickens and tranny this week.  Oh well, I’m not gonna be selfish about it.  I just hope all is well.  Either with his dad (who is like 87) or at least in his mind.  My tranny and chickens can wait.

Sunday I didnt do much…….cleaned my room, worked a bit more on the chicken pen.  Bullshitted with Dad and Dennis (neighbor) played with my Froggie.  Chilled!

Last night I saw Andrew.  I know the last time I mentioned him I said fk him.  But he and I talked that shit out….were good again.  He asked why I wont be his girlfriend.  I think he might have just been full of shit when he said that, but you never know.  I like him, I’ve liked him from the start.  I just dont think I trust him enough.  Thats too bad, because in my mind he’s fking hot.  ::giggles::  By far one of the hottest guys I’ve ever been with.  Perhaps even the hottest.  Trent was pretty hot, Joseph is alright…..the rest were pretty well just blah.  Some decent ones…….but anywho….perhaps now he will become my greatest weakness.  Take Joseph’s place.  I might not be 100% trusting of Andrew, but hes a lot more of a decent person than Joseph is. 

I plan on moving out soon.  Hopefully within the next month or two.  I REALLY am not up for renting, but I guess thats what I’ll do.  I’d also much rather rent a house than an apartment, but I guess I’ll go with the apartment if I have to.  They are building an entire new complex midway between my house and the next bigger town/city, they are doing pre qual.s right now so I’m thinking about calling.  Wish me luck!

Who wants to hear the horny details about Andrew and I’s adventure last night?  Hmmm…….I think I’ll keep last night a secret, maybe next time folks.

Hope all is well,take care!  TATA!!

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