*****Magnifying Rage*****
Wow there are alot of flaws in OD lately. It really sucks. But anywho…….the moment you all have been waiting for……..
my magnifying glass………..
Isnt she gorgeous??
TGIF!! Ive had quite a bit of work to do in the last few days but its not been too bad. Naturally I was finished with most everything and waiting on my boss to do his part so I can do what needs to be done after that. Well, I wait all week long, as usual, then walk in this morning and he has finally decided to do his part on EVERY file. It wouldnt be so bad if it were spread out during the week, I finish something on Monday, you have it ready for me by Tuesday or Wednesday. Instead he puts everything off until the last minute so Im left scrambling around all day Friday trying to finish everything up. It would just be easier if it were spread out throughout the week, not all in one day.
Craig and Rachel are really pissin me off. Stephen and I did the dishes every day since we’ve been home and we kept things straight, things were just the way Craig and Rachel left them when they left for NYC. Only difference was I had done the dishes they had left in the sink. Well, yesterday shortly after I got home, they went on and on complaining about Stephen how he makes such a mess blah blah blah. Im so fking tired of them its unreal. I understand its their house, but give me a fking break. Every little thing is Stephens fault. They left those dishes in the sink for 3 days and that was perfectly fine as did Rachel a few weeks back. I sat there and watched her dishes for 3 days then finally gave in and washed them. Stephen leaves the CLEAN dishes in the drain rack and its "oh he makes such a mess" Go fk yourself. Then I have to hear Craig bitching about the laptop. Craig told me I needed to add to Stephen’s list of who he owes money to, another $50 bucks for him. I just smile and say "thats between you guys" Then they both come at me at the same fking time "You are marrying the biggest fking slob" No shit genius. You dont think I know he’s a pig. We both make messes and are lazy to clean them up. I remember way back when Stephen and I first started dating. Stephen was doing something so Craig started to bitch to me about the fact that he leaves dishes in his car for a few days when he takes them to work for lunch. Like he was trying to discourage me or something. I do the same fking thing!!!! I dunno, Im just sick and tired of hearing them bitch about shit like they are better than him. They arent, they leave messes too. Rachel has left a blanket on the couch and papers on the coffee table for a few weeks now. OMG, lets throw a bitch fest about it. Thats a mess she isnt cleaning up. Either way, Im not Stephen’s mom, tattle tailing to me about it isnt going to change things. About the only thing Im going to do about it is say to him "hey, will you do this or that so they will leave me alone about it" Im not going to yell at him or force him to do something they want because they ask me to make him do it. Im on his team, not theirs. The most they will get from me is me bitching about them in return. I told Stephen last night its a good thing he has me there now, because now he knows that they really think about him and what they say about him when he isnt around. Fking assholes. I want to move out so bad, the only reason I still go over there is for my Stephen. I wish we could afford our own place. Then the only one bitching about his messes would be me, and thats perfectly ok. ::Grins big::
Oh yeah, and Im REALLY pissed. Stephen and I have been growing a garden. The other day we went out there and picked our first veggies from it, some beans. We had them sitting on the counter in a ziplock bag waiting for the rest to get ready to pick so we could eat them. Well, when Craig and Rachel got home yesterday and started cleaning they threw them away. At least I assume they did, I dont think Stephen did anything with them and I couldnt find them anywhere in the kitchen. If they did throw them away Im going to be SUPER pissed. Fking cunts.
Anyways, enjoy your Friday!!
OMG that would make me soooo mad about them throwing the beans away!!! RUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m glad to see I haven’t been the only one having OD problems though–BAD COMPUTER PEOPLE! HAHA.
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