Julers *EDIT*

 I think its ignorant to leave notes on someones diary, private notes, then have your diary set to faves only.  Fearful of actually having someone come back at you?  Perhaps. 

I do have a response to you.  I am NOT an irresponsible dog owner.  There is NO LEASH LAW in Texas.  Dogs are allowed to roam free, however, if the city decided to put an ordinance in place they are allowed to do so.  Some cities have a form of leash law.  These are things I already knew……and the officer that came out the other day reaffirmed this information.

I think its cruel to leave dogs tied up, chained up, locked up, caged etc.  I know that if it were me I would not like to feel jailed.  I want my dogs to feel free and enjoy their freedom.  I dont live in the city, I actually live in a rural area, letting your dogs roam is a common thing. 

You know, I thought about tieing him up and leaving him outside, but what if those 2 aggressive dogs come and attack him while he is tied up, how will he defend himself?  He is helpless in that regard.  I think doing that would be irresponsible.

On Tuesday when I heard them attacking my dog I went to defend him, I called the police, I nearly got attacked myself.  Not once, but twice.  There is a dog in heat, when females are in heat the males get more aggressive, common knowledge.  Much like men, their natural instinct tells them to mate, they have to reproduce.  That is what my dog is trying to do, it’s a natural thing, which also causes problems. 

I care about my dogs and I do the best I can by them.  I am not cruel to my animals, I do not neglect them, they are loved and taken care of.  I do not know why I am even acknowledging your ignorant rant.  I know my actions are not irresponsible, I know that I have done nothing wrong. 

If only you truly knew………

On a side note, everyone is entitled to their opinion.  You think Im a shitty pet owner, but I know better.  I also think you should know all the facts before you try to attack me.

And……….don’t be a coward and afraid of confrontation.  If youre going to be ballsy enough to run around voicing your opinion, then make yourself available for reactions.


I will not acknowledge this any further.  I have spoken my part.  The truth of the matter is too many times people are quick to judge.  They assume that just from bits and pieces they know it all and know whats best.  Julers spoke as if she knew everything about me and my animals.  She does not know more than what she has read here.  Had she known more than just this she would not have spoke as she did.  Thats fine.  People judge, it happens.  But, I do not need to justify myself.  I know that what I do is not cruel, is not heartless, is not irresponsible.  Someone compared this to raising children.  Youre exactly right, it is like raising children, we each have our own ways of going about it.  I feel in my heart that what you deem responsible is a bit heartless.  You speak as if my dogs are abandoned, strays, neglected.  Thats not the case at all.  Just because I dont cage them in does not mean that I do not protect them, that I do not care for them.  As I stated, I put my life in danger for my dog on Tuesday.  I would do it again in a heartbeat.

I know she has mouthed about me to others, perhaps she’s even written a faves entry about me.  She has left me mostly private notes, as she probably has to others.  Thats fine.  She’s afraid to leave it all out in the open and thats fine with me.  I on the other hand am not afraid, everything has been left public.

Thats the end of this.  Speak ill and think ill of me if you like.  I know better.



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September 27, 2007

Haha you go girl!!!

September 27, 2007

I read your last entry and now this one (saw you on the front page).There may not be leash laws in TX, but dogs are -domesticated- animals. They’re not meant to be running wild.You may think it’s cruel to have one stay in the house or be in a pen during the day, but I think the cruel part is allowing your dog to be attacked, knowing full well he gravitates toward the attackers.

September 27, 2007

animals should be allowed to run free, of course, but not all the time. complete freedom is how animals contract diseases, get hurt, and, in some cases, become vicious.you wouldn’t let a child run free, no matter how much they want to, so why should a pet be any different?

September 27, 2007

ps i don’t want to imply that you don’t care about your dogs. i believe you when you say you do; however, i think it’s important to exercise caution with pets, as they don’t behave the same way as wild animals and often lose many of their instincts.

September 27, 2007

I found you on the front page previously. My diary is FO as I am a rescuer and don’t want people like YOU lurking around it since it’s people like YOU who contribute to the problems we face daily. Reading the above notes tells me I’m not alone in the opinion. I have no doubt you love the dogs, you’re just completely irresponsible in caring for them. Rural area or not, have you ever heard of a fence?

September 27, 2007

I believe you love your dogs, however I don’t agree with your logic on how they should be allowed to run free while you are gone. Dogs should never be left out alone outside for long period of time unless they are with their owner and on a leash. If the back yard is fenced, they don’t need a leash but they still should not be left alone. They could be attacked, stolen, or killed. It is more cruelto put the dog in the position of being brutalized than it is to keep him or her in the house during the day. As a pet owner, it is your responcibility to keep your animals safe and use common sense in not exposing them to dangerous situations.

People are retarded.. I, much like you, live in a rural area, and when we did have dogs, they went wherever the hell they felt like. I don’t see anything wrong with it. As long as theyre not causing trouble, what’s the problem?

September 27, 2007

Regardless of leash laws, you should not let your dogs run free for this reason. And if you live in a rural area, as I do, you are well aware of the wild animals that could hurt your dog and the traps that sometimes get set in the woods. It is common practice. You left your other dog to run errands while he was sick, you even though it was Congestive heart failure, so you knew it was serious

September 27, 2007

And didn’t your husband kill your other dog too? Running free doesn’t seem to bode well for your dogs. Especially if you let them outside and don’t even look for them when you back out of the freaking driveway. So, as someone who reads your diary from the wedding circle, I do say you are irresponsible. And to call someone calling you on it ignorant, someone who just said she was a rescuer, is sad.

September 27, 2007

I know you love your dogs sweetie. Coming from a rural Georgia trailer I know it’s hard to keep your dogs from getting injured.

September 27, 2007

Some people are quick to judge, others are calling you on the fact that you are being irresponsible with your dogs and blaming it on a rural lifestyle and whatnot. I will never let my dog run free on purpose. You say you see other’s points but you really don’t. You are shutting down and that’s ok. Your diary. And she is a rescuer. I could call myself one too but I don’t do that for occupation so

September 27, 2007

I am not one. Just because you are watching a dog does not mean you are a rescuer. She does it daily. She probably see dogs whose owners thought they were doing the right thing. She is one of the most informed people I have even come across in regards to dogs. Please do not go on about her being a coward. So she writes private notes. She probably didn’t realize she didn’t have an entry for you to

September 27, 2007

to respond to. I think you are being a bit immature about the whole thing because you are basically resorting to name calling. She is a fave of mine and she is one of the most honest people out there. Nothing is written about you. She is not shady, she will speak her mind. Nothing wrong with that. I came here completely unrelated to her. I find you in the wedding circle so that was a coincidence.

September 27, 2007

People find it so easy to claim people are judging them before they have the facts but YOU have to realize that you are portraying yourself in a certain light and it is really your problem if you come across a certain way to others. Obviously others think the same way. Your notes show that. I am sure your faves agree with you, why wouldn’t they. If your dogs run free, you should be extra careful

September 27, 2007

If your husband is an EMT and he can be called out at any time, how about taking a look around before going out of the driveway?? I am not blaming anyone, accidents happen but come ON, this is something your family does, leave your dogs outside, so take some extra care when leaving the house. You can make excuses out the wazoo but people are going to think what they do because of what YOU write

September 27, 2007

Well, yes you did blame it. Because Texas has no leash laws and you live in a rural area, that makes it ok to let your dogs out leash free. I am sure Texas has a lot of backwards laws. I live in a rural area too, no dog runs free here. Just because people know that isn’t good for dogs. I have no problem agreeing to disagree, but you seem to. But sure, agree to disagree.

September 27, 2007

Ooookay what the hell?? Drop it…stop it.

September 27, 2007

is your dog neutered? that could help prevent him from chasing after females in heat.either way, i personally think that any pet that runs free should be monitored while doing so and kept in (the house or a pen) at night and when the owners are away.it seems to risky, to me, to let them do as they please.however, i know that you’ll do what you think is best. (cont’d)

September 27, 2007

if you feel you’re doing the right thing, then it won’t matter what others say. i don’t mean this in any way other than simply stating a fact; i don’t agree with you on this point, but i know i’d have a hard time being told i’m ‘irresponsible’ if i were the one in the position.i think you do care about your dogs, as i’ve said, and feeling that they should run free is part of that. still, ..

September 27, 2007

i think there should be a kind of balance. the dogs won’t hate you for keeping them in a pen or house if it’s large enough, and, being in TX, you can spend lots of time outside while they’re running free so you can at least keep an eye on them if something does happen. they’d probably even enjoy more one-on-one time with their owner. (= what’s best isn’t always pleasant, but safety is key.