Itchy Itchy
In the past week my entire body has really started to itch like crazy….Im broken out in a nearly head to toe rash/hives. Dunno why……I originally thought it was because I had worn clothes that were new and didn’t wash them first. That has never caused me to break out before but it could be different now because my hormones are different. Anyways…..its been since Saturday that Ive done that…..and I only wore a new t-shirt on Saturday. My itching hasn’t let up one bit. I took some antihistamines, an Epson salt bath, an oatmeal bath, rubbed Vitamin E lotion on, itchy skin oil, stretch mark cream……the whole 9 yards and NOTHING is relieving the itching. I decided to google it while I was answering phones…….it could be liver function related. This can happen within the last 10 weeks, sometimes sooner, of pregnancy, which is right about where I am. Basically my liver is possibly not processing bile like its supposed to. Which leads to still birth in 15 % of pregnancies. If it turns out I do have this problem then most more than likely I will be induced between 35 and 38 weeks. For me that would be 6-9 weeks away. Im gonna go home, take some more antihistamines and another oatmeal bath, if it doesn’t help Im calling the doc to get checked out.
Not only that but I am worried about another serious condition as well. Over the last week or so I have been a bit more swollen, my left leg from the knee down stays swollen, plus Im having headaches and Im seeing floaters. Which are signs of this condition. So Im going to call about the liver thing and this. I really hope nothing is wrong with me. Im hesitant to call the doc and set up the appointment because I could be perfectly fine……that’s why I want to wait and try to treat this rash thing one more day…..just in case I am wrong, I really don’t wanna jump the gun. On the same note, I don’t wanna ignore these symptoms completely because they could not only be deadly for the baby but also for me.
However, I am one of those people who will ONLY take meds if something is REALLY bothering me and the fact that I have been taking a little more Tylenol than usual lately, along with then antihistamines may be proof enough that something really isn’t right. I guess we shall see.
My weekend was alright, Stephen worked all day Saturday, my dad was home all weekend, spent time there, spent time with my nephew. He helped me put together some of the babies stuff. Sunday Stephen and I went to the flea market and then hung out at my moms for a while because my nana was there…..went home and finished painting the babies room. My nephew came and helped us and he was doing a great job until he decided to jump over the paint can and got mint green paint all over my beige carpet. Stephen and I, both knowing we are about to be parents and keeping that in mind, tried to show patience, neither of us yelled or screamed or got angry with my nephew, we just tried to get the mess cleaned up. Although I explained to my nephew that he should have just walked around the can…..when it first happened Stephen had just walked out the room, I was painting and my nephew was following him, I heard him crash to the floor and start to cry. He kinda burned his knee on the carpet plus he knew he just made a big boo boo….I yelled “Shit….Stephen” dashed over to the mess, tried to start cleaning and Stephen came in and tried too. It took us a good while but we got it all pretty much cleaned up, just a little light green spot left……not nearly as bad as it was. I wanted so bad to yell at my nephew but I bit my tongue, when Stephen got there I very calmly told him Justin had tripped over the can and I started to tell Justin to calm down, it would be alright.
I was very impressed by both mine and Stephens handling of the entire situation…..its not how we would normally react. I told Stephen that Justin tripped because I didn’t want him to react in a negative way. It was later that I realized what had actually happened, talked to my nephew about it and then after I took my nephew to his mom I told Stephen that he had actually jumped over it and missed instead of just tripping over it.
Wow that was pretty rambly, hope it makes sense.
We dipped the dogs with the mange, tied momma dog up so that we can start weaning the pups. They are ready to be weaned, when I first put the puppy food in front of them they went to town on it……a clear cut sign they are ready for solid foods. So, its perfect timing. Of course momma doesn’t like being tied up……but it’s the only way I can keep her there with the pups to get them weaned. One was missing, Stephen had to crawl under the house to find it, luckily he did.
Yep, so that’s about it.
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never delay with anything that worries you about your pregnancy.. the docs don’t mind.. seriously… and better to have your mind at ease, than worry.. plus notifying the doc as soon as things start, will give them a head start on something.. warm smiles.. and good job on the paint incident..
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I would call the doctor. Usually they blow you off the first time anyways, lol, so at least if it continues you can say “well i called a few dys ago and it isnt better”. Better safe than sorry right?? I can totally put myself in your shoes with the nephew accident. Good job though!
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All that itching would terrify me also! Hope it’s nothing too serious. Glad you handled the paint situation in a calm manner. I would have been super pist though and I hardly contain my anger. Haha…that would have been a challenge but you did it! Again, hope all goes well at the doctor’s office. *hugs*
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