Frog Update

The phone rang at 6 this morning and guess who was on the other end of the line… frog butt.  He woke me up despite not being at home.  HEHEHE!!  This is what he had to say “Ahhh yaaah yaahhh”  Hehehe.  I love that little guy.

So, remember how I said he started crying and Billy’s mom wouldnt hand him off to Kris.  Guess why he was crying.  The IV had slipped partly out and the fluid was going under his skin in his hand.  It caused his hand to swell up.  The nurse came in right after we left to see why he was screaming, and he started to adjust some things on Justin, thats when Kris said the little cushion they had taped to his arm was moving, and the nurse noticed the needle thing.  Poor baby.  I told mom that if Karen had just handed him to Kris, then Kris would have figured that out alot sooner.  But nooooo stupid Karen thinks she needs to hold his head down against her sholder and say “gamma’s here, its ok”  Fking dumbass!   He was screaming for some reason.  ::rolls her eyes::

We stopped by there on the way to drop me off at work today, mom has the day off for Prez day.  When we got there just before 8, Karen was already there.  ::rolls her eyes again::  We stayed for a bit, frog butt came to give me some love and then wanted to go for a walk down the hall.  As soon as we walked out in the hall another nurse stopped us again, took his temp and such.  After that we went back to the room, kissed him bye and then left. 

Now, here I sit at work, wishing I had the day off for Prez day too so I could spend it at the hospital and such.  My fking boss is STILL asleep and its already 9.  He’s such a fking lazy ass.  I have NO fking work to do at all.  None!  I should get the day off.  This sucks!

Toby didnt call, I’m glad, I just was curious as to why he was there.

Well, have a good day all!!

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Awww… I’m glad that he’s feeling better. I bet he was very happy to see you!