Entertainment for awhile

I’ll get back to the wedding story later……Im trying to save it so that pictures can be included.  My bros gf is supposed to come over tonight with some.  I CANT WAIT!!


~*~ This is Stolen ~*~

You or your man?


1. Who eats more? Depends on what we are eating

2. Who said "I love you " first? He did, that was a funny moment 

3. Who sings better? Neither of us

4. Who’s Older? Stephen

5. Who’s smarter? We both are. 

6. Whose temper is worse? Mine, definately.   

7. Who does the laundry? We share that

8. Who does the dishes? Share that as well 

9. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Stephen since we got the new bed, but usually I do 

10. Whose feet are bigger? Stephens

11. Whose hair is longer? Mine thank goodness 

12. Whose better with the computer? Depends on what needs to be done 

13. Who mows the lawn? Dad does right now, after we get our house we both will 

14. Who pays the bills? I do 

15. Who cooks dinner? Usually him, but we both do, he loves to cook

16. Who drives when you are together? Him, it was over a year after we got together that he finally let me drive 

17. Who pays when you go out to dinner? We share an account so we both technically do but I usually let him do the actual act of paying

18. Who’s the most stubborn? We are both equally stubborn 

19. Who is the first one to admit when they’re wrong? Him 

20. Whose parents do you see more? Mine, only becuase we live with them. If we could afford to go to NY more often we would

21. Who named your pets? He’s named all the pets we’ve gotten since we’ve been together, I named all the ones I had before him

22. Who kissed who first? It was a mutual thing I think.  I dont really remember, I just know I liked it 

23. Who asked who out? He asked me 

24. Who’s more sensitive? We both are pretty sensitive, but he may be a touch more 

25. Who’s taller? Him

26. Who has more friends? He does, I just have him

27. Who has more siblings? Equal and were both the oldest 

28. Who wears the pants in the relationship? We share the pants. 


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July 30, 2007

Random noter, Aww! Congrats!