Crazy Dreams
I had some crazy dreams last night. The first one woke me up.
It was kinda like what you would see in a vampire movie. I dont remember great details, all I remember is Stephen was older than me and married to some wench. It took place around the early 19th century maybe late 18th and Stephen and his wife lived in this castle like mansion. I was basically like the hired help and we were having an affair. She nearly caught us but didnt, and then some guy, who I think was also hired help, walked into the room. Stephen and I were shoving our clothes shoes etc under the bed, the guy got suspicious of us and I started fighting him. I remember grabbing him and thinking he was too skinny his bones felt like pencils in my hands. I threw him out the window and he came flying back at me. I threw him into this wall of fire and could hear him screaming in pain as he flew out of it and back at me again. I threw him in the fire again and then woke myself up. I know it doesnt sound that bad but it was very disturbing for me. Stephen was still awake since he couldnt fall asleep so I told him about it and he wrapped his arms around me. He said he was about to wake me up because I was breathing funny, Im guessing thats because of the dream.
Later I had another dream. I was trying to protect my brother from something and I saw this spider. I tried to step on it but it bit me twice on the back and once onmy left index finger. Turns out it was a brown recluse. Suddenly I was in a hospital with a nurse putting meds on the bites on the back, I told her she needed to put it on my finger as well and she said she already did. I was trying to decide if I was going to call into work, work half a day or what. I ended up going to work because I needed the money and said that if I started feeling too bad I would go home.
I’ve really been having some crazy dreams lately and Im not quite sure why.
Random Noter: Hey! Have a GREAT day!!! Take care! 😀
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