Caught up…..

pregnancy calendar

Or at least I think I am.  I think I managed to get everyone at least a Thank You, if I missed you, Im sorry.

9 weeks yesterday.  I know the ticker says 9 weeks today, but its wrong.  When I went to have the ultra sound done it was determined that I was 7 weeks 4 days but the baby was measuring 7 weeks 3 days, so it was a day behind.  If things are still like that then the baby should be on target with the ticker, which is cool.

Im still having a hard time grasping the idea of being pregnant.  I guess when I start to actually feel the baby it will actually hit me.  Ive noticed in the last few days though that my abdomen feels tighter now.  Thats the first sign of anything that Ive had in my abdominal region.  If I push on it its uncomfy and hurts a bit.

*TMI* When we have sex, if Stephen is on top and puts pressure on it, it hurts.  Another thing……I seem to be very tender on the inside because sex isnt pain free any more.  Anyone else experience that?  Hopefully it will go away soon.  Not saying I dont enjoy the sex, its just not 100% any more.  BTW, we’ve had more sex in the last week than we have in the last 2 months, which is a great thing.  Makes Stephen happy Im sure.

Theres not much else going on in my life right now other than just constantly being sick.

Only 20 days till Christmas…..21 days till we fly to New York….14 days till we get to peek in on Piglet again……17 days till we tell my family……21/22 days until we tell his.  So much to look forward to this month.

Sunday is my nephews 4th birthday party.  I cant believe he is already 4.  I remember when he was born….it was amazing to hold him for the first time.  That seems like just yesterday……just yesterday I was staying the night in the hospital, up all night watching cops playing monopoly with my sister and wandering down to the NICU unit with her when she had to feed him.  Her asshole of a boyfriend, who is now her husband, refused to stay the night in the hospital because he had to work.  She was worried about her baby being in the NICU and refused to leave, so being the good sister that I am, even though I had to work, I stayed!!

He has grown up so much and yet still has so much growing to do.  Hes not always the greatest kid and there are some things about him, his raising, that I would have done differently.  But, hes not my kid, it wasnt up to me.  I still love him like mad though and would do anything I could for him.  He is still one of my favorite people and I LOVE hearing "Aint Kim, I love you"  in his little thick southern drawl.  It makes my heart melt.  His giggle makes me smile. 

I cant believe in a few months I will have one of my own.  I know the love I have for the two of them will be different…….so much different.

Ive teasingly asked Stephen how he can be so sure its his…….the truth of the matter is theres no way in hell Id want to have anyones baby but his.

It amazes me how my life has turned out…..a few short years ago things were so much different, I was praying for much different things.  Now…..all I can do is thank God, thank God He didnt answer those prayers.  I would be miserable now.  He knew what He was doing all along….though my heart was aching and I was begging for those things…….He knew Id be much happier with what He had planned for me.  I am such a lucky girl.

Lucky to have had my prayers ignored!

pregnancy calendar


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I 100% understand what you’re going thru with all the sickness and nausea. They’ll pass thru, just hang in there. There aren’t much to deter all the sickness, but you’ll be feeling much better in few weeks. After all, everything serves a good purpose. right? Only I could do was munching on gold fish cracker and can of pineapples to ease the nausea just a little bit.

After I started feeling better, there were times I went nuts and wasn’t satisfied how much of sex I had with my hubby. Then, in my second trimester, I no longer have any desire. My poor husband, he understands but I feel bad. We have sex every other week? I dunno, i used to want it like 5 times a day. lol Anyway, I felt the pressure when he was top of me and down there is not like before i was pregnant at all. My most comfortable way to do it is I let him sit on the couch or lie down on the bed and me sitting top top my back facing him. lol

December 5, 2007

Aw. Thank you for your note. It’s good you are doing okay and so is the baby! I am sure your nausea will subside soon. I know how bad nausea is…as my dr.’s appointment was pretty bad too! Lol.