Busy Beaver..

So lets see..my weekend..thats what you all want to hear about right?  I dont remember what I did Friday night, I know it involved me sitting at home though.  Oh yeah, I bought John and his friends some drinks.  Shame on me  ::Shrugs:: oh well!

Saturday morning I had the zoo ofcourse.  Barbara informed me that she wont be there next weekend, which pretty well leaves me in charge.  There will be a ‘sub’ but I have to make sure everything gets set up and done properly.  Which also means I have to get there a bit earlier than usual.  All thats fine and dandy, heres the shitty part.  Next weekend I was supposed to attend 2 meetings at the zoo as well.  Since I have been there, there have been 2 All Volunteer meetings.  I attended the first one.  The second one I signed up for but couldnt go to because that other girl Tami refused to take my place for class.  So I signed up but didnt go.  This time I figured Id sign up, its starts at 9, I have to be in the classroom around 9:30 so Id show up for the first 30 mintues, better than not going at all.  Well….now I cant go at all, and thats 2 meetings I’ve signed up for and havent been able to attend.  Im a bit irked by that.  Im just going to stop signing up until the day before the meeting.  I can make the other meeting about the new exhibit, thats fine…..but not the first meeting.  ::sigh::  On a happier zoo note though, I FINALLY got my name tag.  I had been thinking about just going and taking it for the past few months, but decided to wait just incase I had to sign something that said I had got it.  Last week they sent out the regular e-update and in it is said if our name tags were there to come get it.  So I went in and turns out I didnt have to sign anything, I could have just taken it a long time ago.  I feel ‘official’ now. 

Saturday evening I dont remember what I did, but once again I was sitting at home.  Billy said "Have you talked to him lately" "Nope"  He said that he had gone up to his work for something and that he hadnt said anything to him about it.  "Well he wouldnt now would he"  was my response.  Billy said he was just going to leave it as it is and I agreed with him.  JOSEPH CAN KISS MY BIG FAT WHITE ASS!!

Sunday the entire family got up and went on a shopping spree so to speak and out to breakfast.  Was nice, we all enjoyed ourselves.  We came home and tried to take naps, I couldnt sleep, was thinking about other things..so I ended up getting off with my fave vibe.  After that we cleaned house, then Kris and I built a new pen for Bunny.  Shes gotten too big for her old one.  Then Kris and I scrubed the bottom of the pool clean.  Got to get ready for the summertime.  I went inside, played with Justin in his school bus some more and sang ‘the wheels on the bus’ while doing so.  He got a ball pit on sunday in the shape of a bus.  He loves it when I crawl in there with him. Then he and I went and took a bath….got us both smelling all pretty and fresh. 

I also chased bees this weekend.  We’ve got a swarm of bumble bees around the house, dont know if any of you have ever been stung by them.  The sting is almost numbing.  Yellow Jackets are the same but more painful and red wasp burn.  At least thats what they’ve felt like to me.  Anywho….Id kill one and 5 more would show up.  As they die they must send out a signal to the others.  It was grand fun……felt a bit dangerous.  LOL.

Toby called me some more this weekend.  Last night he called and asked if we could work on our acting.  He wanted to role play, I told him I wasnt into that sorta thing.  He can kiss my ass too.

Ok this is plenty of nonsense.  Bye all!!

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The bus sounds cute… I bet that he had lots of fun in it! And I’m sure that you did too! At my job we have the red wasps. They chase you… It’s craziness… Hope that you get them taken care of!