Babies & Easter Bunnies

Saturday I was in a pissy mood all day.  We wont relive that day except to say I went to visit my cuz and her new baby.  He is sooooo tiny.  Apparently he was having complications.  He lost some weight just before he was born because the cord was wrapped around his neck twice, and he was running out of amniotic fluids.  He started to dehydrate inside of her.  He also started to have his first bowel movement inside of her.  She wouldnt dilate and when she had contractions she said they were more like period cramps not anything painful, every time she contracted his heart rate dropped and it got to a very low level and stayed there, so they got nervous I suppose and went ahead and did a C-Section.  His skin was pretty much hanging off of his bones from the dehydration, but he is cute as hell.  I think he looks like my cuz, so does my mom, but my cuz thinks he looks like her hubby.  He has a head full of hair and she said she had heartburn like you wouldnt believe while she was preggo.  Thats usually a sign that the baby has bunches of hair.  Anywho……the baby cheered me up some.  I nearly cried when I saw him, I always do that, simply because babies are so sweet, so tiny, so innocent, it just overwhelms me I suppose.

I got home and was pissy with Stephen, we wont get into that either.  He took me out to dinner then we ran over to the mall to ooh and aww at the puppies in the pet store.  I want one sooooo bad and so does he but we cant get one right now.  I just wish I could have my dogs with me, I miss them.  It ended up being a nice day despite my pissy mood.

So, let’s see, around 4 am my cell rang on Sunday morning, I got up answered it and it was  a wrong number, dumb fucks woke me up for nothing.  I went downstairs, outside to my truck, to get Stephens Easter basket and goodies.  Not that I bought much, Im broke as hell but it was a little something.  I was sure it would be a sweet gesture and sure he didnt do the same for me.  I set it up on the floor in front of the computer then crawled back into bed anxious for him to wake up and see what I had done.  I noticed some odd shaped thing on the dresser but it was dark and Im blind so I paid it no mind.

When we both woke up he asked me to get him a drink off the dresser, thats when I realized what the odd object was, it was an easter basket full of goodies for me.  LOL I just burst out laughing and turned his head so he could see what I had for him.  He laughed too.  Both of us did the same thing, laid a basket out from the Easter Bunny and thought the other had got us nothing.  It was cute, I told him we need to spend some time apart, we are starting to think alike.

Then we went to spend Easter with my dads side.  Stephen didnt say much because my Uncle likes to give people a hard time so he was trying to keep his mouth shut so he wouldnt have anything to pick on him about.  One of my Aunts told me he was cute…..I said, I know…thanks.  The day went well.  We played this game at my uncles house that Stephen says he’s going to make for us, it was fun and Stephen was kicking ass.  He made it look so easy. 

Several times in the last few days Stephen has made statements that have brought questions to my mind.  He keeps mentioning babies.  I was just shrugging it off at first, but then I was thinking……"what is he trying to say to me"  so last night as we are getting ready for bed he starts to tell me he’s getting old.  He’s pushing 30…….then he said something, I dont remember what, and I stopped what I was doing and asked him what he was trying to tell me.  I said that he had been talking babies for the past few days so whats up.  He told me his biological clock is ticking, hes ready to get married and start having babies.  We crawled under the covers, I asked if he wanted to have a baby and he didnt give me a straight answer really.  I dunno whats on his mind.  Maybe I should ask more about it tonight and see whats up.  We cant afford a baby right now.  Yesterday on the drive home he made a baby comment to which I replied "We cant afford to take care of ourselves now, much less a baby".

Isnt it supposed to be MY biological clock pushing us to get married and have babies??






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April 18, 2006

your 22 he’s 30. LEt’s see what your biological clock is telling you in 8 years.

April 19, 2006

quick question – meed to pick your brains!! i have a sparkily thingy i want on my front page and some avatars but it wont make them into the pics its leaving them as codes!! what do i do?xx