171 Days Later………
……and he’s still the best boyfriend ever.
Last night we had a minor issue. Theres this girl at his work, Jennifer, he seems to know every little detail about her, well she called him once the night before last and once yesterday morning when we were getting ready to leave. He didnt answer the phone. It kinda bothered me a little bit, based on the issue we had in NY, but I wasnt going to say anything about it. Until later last night he told me he called her back on the way to work. Granted, he did tell me, but it seemed to me like he just didnt want to talk to her infront of me, so I asked why. Now, based on the issue from NY, the fact that he knows every little thing about her, and he told me there were some girls at work he could have if he wanted ( I dont know who) yes, I was alot bothered by it now. So I asked him and he started to give me excuses, but he shifted his eyes and wouldnt look me in the eye. We had eye contact through out the course of our entire conversation up until that point. I asked about that, he let out a half ass giggle and said something. I just laid down and went to sleep. I was exhausted to start with, I didnt feel like making a tiny thing a huge thing at that point.
I dont trust him very much right now and that sucks.
Aside from that, he’s still a great boyfriend. He’s so goooooood to me. He made my lunch today, and guess what, not only did I get my candy, but I also got my pickles, some olives and yes, my salty roasted peanuts. He’s toooooo great! I dont deserve him by far.
Im such a bitch!
Well he seems like a good boyfriend, doubtfull he would be doing anything with any other girls based on what you say. I dont know though. as for me, i think i gotta grow up,
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