The Flame
I think of you and I feel your heat. Embers begin at my feet and fire spreads up my knees. The flames climb up my legs, across my chest and burn my cheeks. That soft burning glow that lights my face becomes a raging inferno. My body now lit from within, I feel a deep, slow burn between my legs. The more you consume me, the more engulfed I become. This is not lust, no. This is so much more. You devour me. Your eyes penetrate my soul but I wish your body would penetrate mine. For you I burn, I pine, I perish. When I am offered water, I refuse it. I would rather burn alive then feel relief. Instead, I give my body to you as a sacrifice. I worship at your alter. I desire nothing but your love. Your flame licks up all i present you. Let me burn alive before you extinguish our flame. OUR flame. My fire and yours, together. Inseparable.