Sunny Summer Day

What a lovely day today! As soon as I woke up I could tell it would be a warm day, and oh, it was! The kids were all in care from 9-12:30, so I went off and did a MASSIVE Christmas grocery run, and once I stashed all my goodies from that, I managed to get some dishes done before the sister missionaries came to visit me.

One sister is going home tomorrow, which I am really sad about, because she has been so awesome. She was one of the originals that showed up after I prayed for extra help. 🙂 Won’t be the same without her around every week! But she’s gonna add me on Facebook, so that is ok!

Anyway, said a tearful goodbye, and Alister came home for lunch. He was excited to have so much food in the house, LOL. I guess our cupboards have been a bit bare the last couple days.

I walked to get Anna and Alex from daycare, and they were both in highchairs when I came in, and they both grinned when they saw me, then both started crying when I didn’t get them immediately, lol. I have to grab backpacks, then grab lunches, then sign them out, check their progress books, naptime check, nappy check….then I can pick them up!

Annabelle actually was really good when I dropped her off today, and once she got down from the highchair, she was really good about not being too clingy on the way out. She always heads straight to the gravel on the driveway once we get out the gate though, and will take a handful home if I let her. I think it’s a tactile thing, she doesn’t have gravel anywhere else she goes, and she loves rocks!

Anyway, got the kids home, Ella got dropped off, and Ali went back to work. I had hoped the kids would go straight to sleep but they fought it for a while. When they finally went down I got on the computer to do…..CHristmas shopping, oh yay. Had some serious issues as I am trying to use my NZ Visa on US websites to US addresses. They just aren’t set up for international orders! I am still not sure if they will go through. Sigh.

I had to wait until we got Ali’s Christmas bonus before I could know if we could afford gifts for my family. I am usually way more organised!!

When Ali came home, we got delivery of Ella’s playhouse! Well, pieces of said playhouse. It is a raw timber kit set, from Ali’s parents. Grandad will set it up on saturday, and grandma and grandad will paint it either sunday or monday. It looks pretty wicked, perspex windows, a little veranda, and plenty of room inside! She is gonna flip 🙂

We had eggs on toast for dinner as it was still soooo hot in the kitchen! The lounge was lovely with the a/c, but the twisty hallway to the kitchen just makes the cold air not want to travel!

We had a twilight visit to the beach with the kids before bed. Just enough time to walk out on the sand, let them run for 10 minutes, and head back before it got too dark. They loved it 🙂 We did pass a police checkpoint on the way, which we just laughed about. We think police are great, and are always polite to them, and so they always look at us funny. They must get so much bs from so much of the public, it’s sad.

Alex fell asleep on the way home, crazy he is 1 in a week and a half and we will be able to forward face his carseat! He is so big!!

Ella is asleep now too….but as usual, my Anna is fighting it. She has the ipod so she doesn’t run up and down the hall and wake her bro and sister, but I had better try and settle her again.

Tomorrow morning, 9am I have an appt with the neurodevelopmental therapist, it’s my first appointment with her, so wish me luck! She will hopefully help me start to potty train and make this house safer for my sweetie girl 🙂


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December 19, 2012

I’m glad you get to keep in touch with the Sister going home. I love keeping in touch with members from my mission. 🙂

December 19, 2012

I’m glad you get to keep in touch with the Sister going home. I love keeping in touch with members from my mission. 🙂