For the Record

I just went through my diary entries for the past year and a half, looking for little clues of her development. The entries I did write were amazing and helpful. The giant gaps were frustrating!! So here I go….once again trying to commit to write daily and keep tabs on where life is going!

Today we got Ella to kindy a wee bit late, it is a shopping day so I didn’t have enough food for her packed lunch. We stopped by the dairy and got some bananas and strawberries, crackers and cookies. That was plenty, and Annabelle, Alex and I had plenty of food to eat too!

Then I picked up a trademe auction, and visited my church friend, Teresa and her kids. We came back home after only a short time since Alex was so tired, and he had a nap. It was lovely spending time with my Annabelle, and we played and giggled. 🙂

Skipped Annabelle’s kindy this afternoon as she fell asleep, and this afternoon I spent doing church stuff.

Got our Christmas bonus, which is awesome! Means we can afford to send a few gifts, and I am going to gift Ali with a couple hundy of it. Sounds funny, but he doesn’t get much money to spend as he wishes!!

So Ella is 4 in 5 days. Madness. She is such a fun girl! She has the best sense of humour, I love teasing and making jokes with her and she giggles away! Her hair is fabulous, and I have to always remember to let her know, as a girl with red hair and curls is bound to hate it. She knows her alphabet and she loves looking at books and loves riding her bike and climbing and playing in the sandpit for hours!

Annabelle is so tall and clever! She is my little pickpocket, as she is forever stealing my phone from my pocket without me noticing….until she quickly disappears and I know she’s up to something! She is slowly slowly learning and using her first sign for “Drink”. I get so excited when she uses it! She is extremely clingy at the moment, at home she plays, then comes to cuddle for a few minutes, then goes to play again. She loves skin, and is always rubbing my arm, or lifting my shirt to try and rub my belly, or stick her finger in my belly button! LOL! Hilarious, but embarrassing when someone is visiting! She doesn’t like me leaving her at kindy or daycare, but if I leave without her noticing, she never freaks out. If I leave while she is looking she screams! But because she is MAD! There is no crying, just anger. She gets over it in about 30 seconds tho, I sit on the other side of the gate and only leave once she is done!

Alex is 1 in a week and a half!!! Can you believe it??? He is a walking boy, which is crazy, since Elle didn’t walk until she was 13 months and Anna 14 months. He is definitely an adventurer, and loves the backyard and the sandpit as much as his big sister! He is chunky and squishy and I love it! He has a smile for everyone, and his 6 little teeth and dimples just give his smile the perfect amount of adorableness. He loves food, and he loves movies, cars, and anything Ella is playing with lol. He still needs to be rocked to sleep, and he is still Such a momma’s boy. He’s my little blondie blue eyes to my girl’s reddish hair/brown eyes. I love it.

I am also just starting to be the 1st counsellor in the primary at church, which is a big job. I didn’t realise when I accepted it, what a big job it would be! I am hoping that this is mostly setting up the new year, etc that makes it so big, but I don’t know. It’s interesting to be at church every week….and to be expected/needed to attend! The good thing about being in primary is that they take Alex to nursery even tho he is only almost 1. (nursery entry age is 18 months)

Alex crying, bedtime!



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My daughter loves to rub my arm and stick her fingers in my ears/belly button too. I don’t know about sticking fingers in holes, but I suspect the rubbing skin is a sensory thing; she has other sensory issues. It’s great that she’s so affectionate with you, a lot of autistic kids aren’t.

My daughter loves to rub my arm and stick her fingers in my ears/belly button too. I don’t know about sticking fingers in holes, but I suspect the rubbing skin is a sensory thing; she has other sensory issues. It’s great that she’s so affectionate with you, a lot of autistic kids aren’t.

December 18, 2012
December 18, 2012
December 18, 2012

This is an awesome entry. So exciting about the signing! That’s amazing about the counsellor. What does it involve? How many hours? Good for you!!!!

December 18, 2012

This is an awesome entry. So exciting about the signing! That’s amazing about the counsellor. What does it involve? How many hours? Good for you!!!!

December 19, 2012

This is good for record keeping. All the cute and amazing things your kids are doing. 🙂

December 19, 2012

This is good for record keeping. All the cute and amazing things your kids are doing. 🙂