Failing before I start

So my daughter Annabelle is 8 next month, and is severely Autistic. I’ve tried potty training before, but never got far at all.

I’m starting again today, but feeling utterly discouraged already. She is super attached to her nappies. She keeps pulling out old ones somehow (is she getting into the rubbish or does she have them stashed somewhere!?!?) so she’s either putting on old nappies or weeing in the special undies I got her.

I put her on the toilet and she sits there patiently for a minute or two, then leaves and wees somewhere.

How do I encourage success when I don’t even know how much is clicking what I want her to do?

I really want to have her potty trained by the time baby comes along, but a part of me keeps thinking it’s going to make everything even harder.

Ah well, better go make her sit on the porcelain throne again. Fingers crossed we get some success to build on!!

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February 1, 2018

Patience. I know it sounds simple, is she verbal? This has a few good tips,

Does she have any cues before she has an accident? Good luck, you are not failing. Believe in yourself.

February 2, 2018

@carley-2 thank you for that list, it has some great tips. 🙂

no cues really, she generally just disappears and has an accident while I’m not looking.

shes completely non verbal, I am trying to model a sign for toilet so hopefully when we are further along she can let me know when she needs to go. 🙂

February 3, 2018

@mrsesquire Good luck, it will be hard but you can booth be successful, don’t give up. And iif it does become too stressful on you both, stop and try again later.