Down Down Down

I am in such a funk, I have no idea how to wrench myself out of it.

The house is a bombsite. I want to just do a huge load of junk and take it to the dump, but I know it would be wiser to try and sell and get some money out of it. That, however takes time and effort that I just don’t have at the moment. So things pile up, and it gets worse.

Alister has been amazingly understanding, which makes me feel guilty, which brings me lower. Does it make me do anything?? Nope.

I’ve also started taking a diet pill, which was supposed to really help me. Have a lost a kg? Nope. And no, it hasn’t made me down, in fact, from the day I started taking it, it has really improved my mood. My energy though? Nope.

I’ve had a disastrous few weeks as far as Avon and cake decorating is concerned, and unfortunately one bad customer (same for both) has discouraged me something fierce. I just have no desire to get out there and market my wares in either case, and so my businesses are suffering.

My girls are awesome, fun and patient. Ella is definitely getting into this terrible two’s thing, with screaming tantrums, but nothing too bad. Anna is starting to let go and stand by herself, and I see the desire there to walk after me. I don’t think it will be too long!

So I guess the important things are good. I should be (and am) grateful for that, and work on letting the little things go.

I have a cake in my fridge for no particular reason. Who wants to come and share it with me?? 😀

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I could sure do with a piece of cake, cup of tea and a natter with you. If only we were closer. I am sorry that you are in a funk. It’s hard to foresee how you can get out of it… but maybe it needs to be a process rather than one flying leap? You have resilience, you will bounce back. Be kind to yourself. HUGS.

I could sure do with a piece of cake, cup of tea and a natter with you. If only we were closer. I am sorry that you are in a funk. It’s hard to foresee how you can get out of it… but maybe it needs to be a process rather than one flying leap? You have resilience, you will bounce back. Be kind to yourself. HUGS.

January 24, 2011

Do you have any places there you can donate things? Even though more money would be nice, it really does feel better just to get rid of it and be done with it. For example, I ended up recycling all my old textbooks that I don’t need or use anymore. I could have sold them for a little bit, but it sure felt good to toss them out of my life! Even tossing out one thing could make you feel better. :)<br> But I get into funks, too. The best part about having a down time is that it always comes back up! Just wait for it and keep trying to focus on those good things, like your cute family. 🙂 I mean, I’d rather have a messy house and a good family then a clean house and a bad family!

January 24, 2011

Do you have any places there you can donate things? Even though more money would be nice, it really does feel better just to get rid of it and be done with it. For example, I ended up recycling all my old textbooks that I don’t need or use anymore. I could have sold them for a little bit, but it sure felt good to toss them out of my life! Even tossing out one thing could make you feel better. :)<br> But I get into funks, too. The best part about having a down time is that it always comes back up! Just wait for it and keep trying to focus on those good things, like your cute family. 🙂 I mean, I’d rather have a messy house and a good family then a clean house and a bad family!

July 30, 2011

I will share, although, if it is still there, it will be 6 months old and I don’t imagine that would make for good eating…Which reminds me that the top layer of our wedding cake is still in my mothers freezer. 3 years in 2 weeks. Guess that’s ready for the bin…

July 30, 2011

I will share, although, if it is still there, it will be 6 months old and I don’t imagine that would make for good eating…Which reminds me that the top layer of our wedding cake is still in my mothers freezer. 3 years in 2 weeks. Guess that’s ready for the bin…