12 days and counting

So baby is due in 12 days and I can’t really decide if I can’t wait or am so not ready. Not that it matters, she will arrive when she is ready, of course.

Potty training has actually been fairly darn successful! She isn’t 100%, but she does go on her own at home and has very few accidents at school now. It’s amazing!! She still has a nighttime nappy, but that’s to be expected and I’m not pushing that due to her sleeping situation.

I have spent a lot this month, getting ready for baby, birthday, easter. I’m hoping it will all settle down soon; as I am needing to start saving with the hope of renovations and a USA trip in 2 years.

baby is pressing down and making sitting here typing increasingly uncomfortable so I will end this abruptly.


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March 16, 2018

Awww!  I am so happy to read your words on here!  Give us a proper update when you can about sweet E.


March 17, 2018

I hope you are doing better now that baby is here! 🙂