woow guys it was excellent

okay first of all let me tell you guys the real deal. it started out as a day from you know where. no- let me rewind back tio Thursday night,  which was HORRIBLE. While practicing Thursday night our program manager had the mic’s set perfectly I’m telling you. Then here comes this guy that the producer invited from his old church to come check the system. He messed it up terribly then while we  were singing we were clashing the mics were ringing and everyone was scared to really say something. So during the course of the Rehearsal we break for interlude and went in the back, i started going off. Tell him to get OFF The boards NOW. we don’t have a wait until he leaves (this was a suggestion from a group member) time to do this do it NOW. They say well calm down Nikki and *other group member*, we were so upset because this was the absolute last practice before the show and we wanted everything perfected. well they pull the producer back there and we tell him how he feels and he’s like wait a minute you guys i did invite him and i nt would be rude to tell him to just leave. *other group member* goes off. WHY DID YOU TELL HIM TO COME?!?! So he’s like what needs to be fixed? we tell him you mean to tell me you don’t hear how muffled we sound? He says well why don’t yall tell him so he can fix it? i say i want him OFF the boards he doesn’t need to fix anything it was perfect before he got here messing with stuff just let the original production manager control mic volume and such. So I calmed down and we went back to sing and the invited guest had the nerve to have an attitude and say why didn’t yall say something to me. I cut him off quickly and told him it’s not like I could very well cut off the middle of my song to tell you these mics sound a mess and the background is overpowering me cause me to yell when i sing,  and the mics were perfect before you got here and for the past 3 weeks that we’ve been working with the production manager so what’s the difference between now and then? Anyway that issue was resolved because he then began to actually work with the production manager to get us sounding right instead of taking over. production manager was a friend that didn’t know him personally and didn’t want to step on any toes so he was really nervous about saying something.

Anyways so the day of. i wake up to a text message that one girls hair dresser has to cancel she just found out her grandfather died. i send my condolensces and prayers and talk to her for a minute so for the next hour i’m trying to find the girl a hairdresser. they end up finding someone so i say cool. then the other girl that was sick that portion of the week i talk to her and her voice it literally GONE! i mean like she’s the soprano and she was talking in a baritone voice. I’m praying HARD! so i go get nails and feet done which runs over and I have to rush to get to the salon which was cool. Then i have to come back home pack the kids stuff so that they can go over my uncles house after the show. We were going out to eat. the manager as a present got us a stretch escalade limo and we went out to eat on the river. so then i get a text and the other member is having problems getting info to open the bank account but that finally gets done. We get to the church and the front door of the church is broken. aye yae yae!!! They have to post a note on one side of the door do not open. We get there late and then find out the makeup artist is not coming! OMGosh my nerves were on end now. We pray some more then go up to the dressing room and get ready. we hear people coming in and it’s getting exciting now! The member who’s lost her voice is now freaking out we tell her it’s gona be okay god showed me that he was give her her voice back. He told her to. So we wait…. and wait…… and wait…. We hear the announcer  and we wait….. lol Then we come out and the first half was great it was sooooooo packed!! lol When i sing in front of people I don’t see anything. It’s like the faces turn into a blur and i don;t see anything. My daddy was in the second row beaming (thought i didn;t know this. i later found out.) we sung our songs then ran upstairs and changed and the girl with the messed up voice was in shock because instantly her voice came back. She said she was gonna testify about it. We come out the second half which was the live segment. that part we got to do what we do. and that was praise and worship the Lord. my song came on and I had to flow with the Holy Ghost yall. It was awesome. after the show was over it was such a releif. we gathered our things and met with everyone afterwards i was shocked at who all came out to see me. Soo soo blessed! We had someone tape the show and will be selling dvds of the show for 10 bucks. I’ll have some clips of the show on You tube as soon as it’s edited and ready by the cameraman. They are gonna play it on public access cable as well. So many people are trying to book us now it was really nice and the decorations were beautiful! Okay i gotta get ready for work but i promise when i get the pics and those clips I’ll poost them for you guys.

~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~

Proverbs 25:28

~I pray the desires of my heart flow with His Will.

Ronnie (OD member

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March 3, 2008

Wow, praise God everything went well with your show even with the obstacles (as is quite normal when doing God’s stuff). Couldn’t wait to hear and see you sing on Youtube!

I’m thrilled it went so well! Congrats

You guys had a lot of obsticles in your way. I’m glad that everything turned out for you all. Can’t wait to see the You Tube clips!

March 3, 2008

I’m so glad everything went well. I know how it is with the audio/visual “experts” that show up at just the wrong time! I can’t wait to see the pics!

I am so glad that everything went according to the Lord’s plans. I know it was a blessing! Smooches…

March 3, 2008

Hmm…sounds like the enemy was very much out to destroy all of your spirits from enjoying what God has for you all! Glad you pushed through and were very victorious! Amen, Amen sister. *o/*

When you find out the details on how to purchase the dvds, let us know so we can order. I know I would love to buy one. 10 bucks is a great deal.