Weekend Hotel sleepover party

I’ll provide pics from the party at the end of this entry.

All in all little boys are disgusting little garbage disposals when they come together LOL!!! HHAAA J/K

My son invited his best friends which are 2-3 years older than him. Bless his little heart. They are actually the other girls in the praise team’s sons. As you can see we are all VERY close lol. Anyways, my little cousin’s son comes too. He and Quincy don’t see each other much cause lil cuz never has him with her. As a matter of fact there are some people in our family that didn’t even know that she has a 9 year old son lol. Lil Q is now 8. There were a total of 5 of them plus Big Q,  Lexy, and me.

 We went to Cici’s pizzas and got 3 pizza’s and a box of garlic bread sticks  2liters of lemonade and sunny delight and I bought an icecream cake. THe hotel room was really nice. The pool was heated and one side of it was outside. they could go under the windows outside so that was cool.

OMGOsh those boys were a trip LOL they cracked me up. They played WWF and wrestled, Farted on each other,  Played video games,  Farted some more, Belched,  ate,  Belched some more,  ate some more,  swam dunked each other and pestered Lexy lol. I just decided to let boys be boys lol. The room got a little funky with all the farting though. Their some disgusting little rascals. I’m still trying to figure out where they put all of the food they were eating. The smallest one ate almost a whole pizza to himself. I bought a cookies and cream 2 layer fudge cake from Graeters. OMGOSH it was heavenly!!!!!!!!! *insert hmer simpson drool*. It was soooo rich I could only eat one slice! It was a like Frisch’s Hot fudge Sunday multiplied by five. Wonderful. Now I know if I could only eat one slice I was doing something major,  would you believe they wanted seconds? Crazy little boys. AND  thanks to Big Q they stayed up until 3AM farting playing the game of whoever goes to sleep first gets lotion poured in their mouth and clowned the next day. I went to sleep on em. Big Q regretted that he kept them up trying to play Madden 08 with them. And I strictly warned the little rascals that we WERE going to church EARLY in the morning as I had to be there @ 8:30AM for intercessory prayer. 7 O’clock I sounded the gong and got the little guys up. We went to get something to eat from the continental Hot breakfast bar and I swear these little boys were eating like linebackers. Who cares. It was free so I told them to eat up. We then went upstairs got dressed and went to church. I managed to get to the church with 5 little rugrat boys and one girl by 8:50AM. Yeah I’m good .

So church was cool but BABY when we got home we bought something to eat and went to sleep from literally 5PM til the next day! Those boys wore me out! Lil Quincy was sleep the whole day too. Well that was also cause he got in trouble for getting an attitude with an older mother of the church and stomping off. I don’t play that. So he was confined to his room without being able to utilize any of his birthday presents. He got bored and went to sleep lol.


Here are pics from the party. I only remembered to take a few sorry

This is lil cousin’s son

THe Rat pack:

Acting silly:


Lexy was sick so she was not allowed to swim:


In the room:

Quenzel Washington lol( I mess with him since he cut all his hair off in the dead of winter)


And me pooped and ready to lay down lookin cross eyed lol




~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~


Proverbs 25:28


~I pray the desires of my heart flow with His Will.


Ronnie (OD member)




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that pool area’s floor look so slippery. you guys look like you had fun

February 20, 2008

Yup, they look like trouble to 😉 ((HUGS)) They’ll remember that forever. Boyz crack me up.

All those boys, not wonder you were worn out. Glad the boys had a good time.

Looks like you all had a good time! Smooches…

I my gosh it looks like a blast. Nice gettaway! Getting to church by 8:50 you SHOULD get a medal.

February 20, 2008

I can’t see the pics while I’m at work, but I’m sure it was a blast! I would have never made it to church with 5 little guys…