update on hurricane ike damage among other things

Hey guys as you can see I’m back woohoo!

Yes amazingly enough Hurricane Ike hit Ohio–HARD! Sunday as church was ending we hear the wind roaring like a storm is coming but the sun is shining like it’s a beautiful day and then the power goes out. We then proceed to go to our cars when I get a call from someone that left before me telling me to warn everyone that the wind outside is like a tornado and trees are falling down left and right and they are all over the road please be careful.

So we get outside and sure as day the sun is shining brightly and it’s HOT like 90 degrees hot but wind is blowing SOOOO hard. I have never seen anything like this. Hubby has to drop a few ppl off and as we’re driving wind is whipping the van and tiles from roofs are flying off of the roofs. Tree limbs – Not sticks and small shrubbery but Branches are flying all over the place! Billboards are ripping off the signs and floating all over the place. It was Mayhem. I have never seen anything like this and we’re nervous about it all just looking around. Mind you there is not a drop of rain falling during all of this,  Sun is still shining and the wind feels like heat. Well we determined that our power was probably out because of so many places having power outages so I say well lets just pick up something to eat. It’s not like I can cook lol. We go to ponderosa to get some wings and say what the hay,  we’re already here why not eat in. While eating in we’re just watching the chaos. and Ploop! The lights in the restaurant goes out. You would THINK that would stop ppl from eating. NOPE LOL! Everyone sat in the dark eating like it was nothing. I told Lil Q to grab some chicken off the buffet before it starts getting cold LOL.

After we eat and go home we have to take a detour there is a tree that has fell over from the root and taken out 3-5 powerlines and it’s so big it’s blocking the street. We get home to no power and realize exactly how much we rely on power it’s ridiculous. We were like well lets check the news and see what they are saying is going on-up! wait no tv. How about the internet- Up! no computer. Well atleast we can savour some food- UP! No fridge! the stove is electric can’t use that! Microwave doesn’t work. THere are no clean clothes in the house – UP! no washer and dryer and we can’t hit up a laundromat because the WHOLE CITY is out of power. Can’t go to McDonalds and get anything to eat! Can’t go to the grocery store to grab some non-perishables. No Electric! Can’t evern go to the gas stations to fill up! It was horrible. It looked like armeggedon! So I happen to have batteries in the radio and we turn on the radio station to get some news. Turns out we have the likes of a category 1 hurricane hit Ohio. Winds were in excess of 75 mph. Just no rain lol. And it was still traveling Oh. At that point it was hitting Cleveland and the great lakes area.

My question to all the scientist is this. How does Hurricane ike go through the gulf,  Hit land in Texas,  hop over Oklahoma make a right and hit up through arkansas and Kentucky,  Go through Ohio allllll the way up to the great lakes without losing momentum? Has to be GOD that couldn’t have been predicted. And YES it was a horrible situation being without power for 4 days and no restaurants and grocery stores and school being closed and businesses being closed but there was a blessing in it to; I noticed when I got home that EVERYONE was out on their porches socializing, whether it be about the windstorm/hurricane or whatever. I have not seen neighbors come out and socialize like that since I was little and my  grandma and ‘nem used to sit out on the porch and chit chat it up with neighbors. I told them God was really trying to get us to come out and talk to each other lol.

What was crazy about it all. The reason it took us so long to get power back up is because the day the hurricane hit all of our DUKE energy trucks were headed to Galveston, TX lol. This was soooo unpredictable. They had to come back and get some help from the carolinas, Because in Cincinnati and surrounding counties alone the power outage hit 90% of the area, Yep that;s right 90%. Thank God this didn’t happen in the winter cause we wouldn’t have known what to do!

And I have YET to see a report on any of this on CNN,  MSNBC, or any other nationally syndicated news website! What’s up with that? I know that has to do with alot of the stocks falling this week. Because our businesses lost a TON of money. I heard a superintendant of Cincinnati Public Schools say they had to throw away $200,000.00  in food because of the outage and trying to cover the schools. Just think about the restaraunts that had to throw away spoiled food! Geez. We’re still recovering. I went grocery shopping the other day and the refridgerated foods we’re absolutely GONE. No fruit, Veggies, Fresh Fish,  Meat,  Milk,  Yogurt, CHeese,  Frozen dinners,  NOTHING.

OKay that’s enough reading for now I’ll go into the other non-hurrican related stuff later lol Love yall.


~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~

Proverbs 25:28



There are so many people searching for truth, searching to find God and understand. Unfortunately, most of them want to know how to find peace while living in sin. They don’t want to give up their lifestyle(repentance). They want to feel good about themselves and convince themselves that God is happy with them the way they are. The "new age" preachers have come up with a formula — simply redefine God. As if we are here to just hang out and do what pleases us.


This is a time of separating the wheat from the chaff. Everyone will have to take a stand on one side or the other. It’s all a part of the process of the Second Coming. I pray that Christians everywhere will not fall prey to these deceiving doctrines. ~ Starting Over (od member)



~I pray the desires of my heart flow with His Will.


Ronnie (OD member)




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September 19, 2008

I saw a report about you guys on Sunday. I knew it would be very windy for the Cleveland Steeler game and it was. It was hard for me to believe too about Cinninati. Glad you’re alright.

Wow, you guys got socked! I had no Idea!! Oh, sister glad you made it through. It is a beautiful thing about the neighbors though. I remember those leisurely days when neighbors sat out with neighbors. We must be spoiled here in WI and are reinforced somehow in powerlines because we get extreme weather all the time, rarely does the power go out and if it does it’s back on soon. I can only

remember one storm in 1981 where the power was out in some parts of the city for 3-4 days. We are blessed I guess.

September 19, 2008

WOW. im so thankful youre ok!!

September 19, 2008

that’s a lot to deal with! I’m glad you made it and it’s over!

September 19, 2008

Yah,I found that kind of odd. Especially with how much rain Chicago got from it. Just odd. Birth pains 🙂

September 19, 2008

RYN: Thank you, btw 🙂

September 19, 2008

Glad you’re ok, sis! Thanks for the update. *hugs*

September 19, 2008

i’ve haven’t been around lately, so i’m glad to see you back and doing alright.

September 19, 2008

I coudn’t imagine you all had to go thru all that. The days without power must had been so hard. Thank God you are all okay.

I’m glad you guys are okay.

September 21, 2008

Cinncinatti and Cleveland was invented for the purpose of catching all bad weather so Pittsburgh could be safe.

Good hearing from you! Smooches…