Update on goals

I just wrote this in SOWW so I will post it here also:

April 2nd

I have completed my goals for the week as far as exercise. I have exercised 4 times this week. And now my butt is sore lol. No pain no gain right. I will also be walking this saturday like a weekend warrior (long walk) and hopefully going skating Sat. Night (christian skate night).

Water has so far been a breeze with good ole crystal by my side. I like the fact that I’m drinking more water now so please don’t spoil it with any crystal light artificial sweetners nightmares. Right now for me ignorance is bliss and I feel better so don’t even tell me. lol. Maybe next month I’ll challenge myself to stop using crystal light.

I have definitely been eating dinner by 8:00-8:30PM nightly but last night I coulda kicked myself. I fixed hamburger patties and baked fries last night for dinner. I am now ab;e to really FEEL when I get full and stop eating. Amazingly enough before I never noticed it and just ate till I got sleepy. Well last night we were in a rush to get to church so I hurried uo and made the food then stuiff 2 hamburgers in my mouth knowing I only needed one. i was full after I ate the first one but survival mode kicked in as in the past. I was so mad after I finished eating I coulda kicked myself. I instantly felt uncomfortable. I felt like I had lead gut and I hate that feeling. I love eating a light dinner as I did that the other night and my body responded sooooo well to that. I didn’t go iover my points last night but I learned a very valuable lesson and have been carrying that on today. I am NOT on the clean your plate committee. I stop eating when I GET FULL. I used to do this last go round and it’s time to do it again.

Oh and I have indeed been packing lunch nightly. Man this can really be hard to remember but I keep my lunch bag/warbag out at all times so I won’t forget.

April 3rd today has been good all goals met so far…….

I’m really excited about Saturday’s weighin guys.

~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~

Proverbs 25:28

~I pray the desires of my heart flow with His Will.

Ronnie (OD member)




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you are doing so well…even when you overate, you knew the difference and learned from it.

Cheers to you! Enjoy!

April 3, 2008

I’m so proud of you. I’m struggling. I am down 1lb though. Guess I’ll celebrate that and keep it movin.

April 3, 2008

What to go woman! *o/*

I’ve never had a problem with losing weight and Crystal Light. There’s so much to worry about in this world. EVerything will give you cancer. I’m sure you drinking lots of water with crystal lite is better than you not drinking enough water. It’s sounds like you are learning to listen to your body. I think you are doing good even with the one little set back. Good luck on your continued success!

you go girlie, i sure need to get my butt to exercising lol.

ryn: Did I miss an entry that what date you were done with work or is this new news?

April 4, 2008

My fail-proof diet program: Eat veeerrry slowly. One bite at a time. Don’t take another until you completely swallowed the first bite. Take a bite then get up walk around for a minute or two. Drink a glass of water between bites. I could go on…

April 5, 2008

I admire your faithfulness in dieting!