up to 2 interviews


Thanks for your notes of concern guys I really appreciate that.

It took awhile to break the sadness. I couldn’t sleep last night and I had a dream I was in spiritual warfare with the devil.

I asked God for some clarity in it all and he took me to a very disturbing scripture that I’d rather not repeat……

Anyhoo I got 2 bites for interviews and I’m continually applying for jobs. A have added my resume to a government jobs database and hope to get a few bites there. The IT industry is so dead right now though. like there are almost NO jobs posted at all. On monster, careerbuilder, careernet, usajobs, dice, jobserve, computerjobs, nowhere. The only thing that’s out there right now is contract jobs. I really need permanent right now. I need vacation days and health benefits for real. I never knew how much I’d miss them until they were gone…..If you guys know of any other search engines for IT please throw them my way. Thanks in advance lol.

Check out my playlist! They don’t have alot of Gospel on the site but I got what I could:



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I’ve been insomnia like the past few nights and I’ve already had it. I know the job search is thin out there, I see it.*prays for both of us*

December 2, 2008

I think it’s a country wide thing. It just seems a lot of people are stressed out and overwhelmed. Yah, this is not the time to be looking for a job is it? Not the season or the best economic times. ((hugs))