



Lately I have been going nonstop and I think tonight I’m taking a break. I’m taking ministerial,  leadership,  and prophetic training  classes. Man it’s phenomenal and it’s something that I prayed for for years (especially the prophetic classes) but it’s wearing me out this week. It goes up until june and then I will get my minister’s license.

We have church tonight and Deac. Q is going to minister. I hate that I’m so tired but i will support him. The men in our ministerial class will be doing a round robin ministering session where they are given a word,  then they are given 30 minutes to get as much info on it as they can, relate it to scripture and then they get 15 minutes to talk about it. And they take turns. Deac. Q is not happy about this. He is a quiet behind-the-scenes type of guy and doesn’t like public speaking but he has agreed to it to get out of his comfort zone. I figure the least i can do is be supportive. But Man i am tired.

I didn’t even want to write this because to me it’s negative speaking. So I think I’ll end that here.

I am so positive about this prophetic training and the book that we are studying I cannot put it down. It hits on every  question that I’ve had since 2006 when God showed me that it was my calling.

In other news. The kids are doing so well I’m really proud of them. Big Q’s hours are starting to balance out and he is no longer under working but he has some overtime but mostly regular hours. My boss wants me to start moving into my leadership role since I’ve been here 2 months and I’m getting the hang of the flow of business. Did I ever tell you guys that I’ve joined this company in the baby stages? And it is growing by leaps and bounds! There are so many companies we have picked up like 20-30 companies since i’ve started and the need for more employees is rising. There are only 15 of us here and this company has only been in business and lucrative since June of last year. My manager who hired me has only been here since September so he was hired on 4 months before me how crazy is that and my coworker came in 2 weeks after he did. If you were to talk to them about the systems you’d think they’ve been with the company for years! They know their stuff and are teaching me too. So I hope within the next 2 months to know just as much as they do.

Bills are getting paid by the grace of God I’m telling you. I normally have to committ whole checks to bills but we have not yet went without(except for maybe cable lol). My car note will be paid off in 2 years (24 months) which I’m excited about and my student loan payments arrangments will be out of default in 9 months as I’m on a payment plan. I really wanna get my finances on track and in working order. I’m praying for financial discipline and renouncing generational curses on my finance as God is revealing to me. I was never taught as a child how to manage my finances as my father has a serious gambling addiction and could never teach me much. Except for how to open an account make sure my payroll checks go there and to buy money orders to pay for bills off the top of the check. I’ve had checking accounts and botched them badly by not tracking my finances,  I’ve had credit cards and destroyed my college years of credit lol. I’ve lived and learned lessons there. And I never really got formal training on finances until I was in college and I never gave the subject any REAL attention anyway. But i think there is something about hitting the age of 30 and wising up to alot of things that you would normally ignore in your 20′[s. Namely for me,  finances. Big Q has more discipline in finances than me so I am really learning to trust him with the family’s money. This was a big issue for me. I came up in a family of all strong willed single mothers and letting a man control anything for you was unheard of. I don’t know if yall remember me telling you guys but early on in our marriage submission was my hardest test. I have come a VERY long way in this and i know Big Q is grateful though for him I might need a heck of a lot more work. He came from a 2 parent household where the man was very much the provider and law to the house. Yeah two VERY different backgrounds but we’re learning. His background was also the catalyst of his calling. His calling is raising great kids. 

Wow I have just realized that I’ve rambled for a whole paragraph with no real point lol. I think i’ll go and try clearing my head alittle later HA.  

Check out my playlist! They don’t have alot of Gospel on the site but I got what I could:



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I am so not a public speaker either, i don’t blame him for not wanting to do it lol. I’m sure he’ll do well though, hehe

It’s great Q is willing to come out of his comfort zone. I’m proud of you for keeping on learning too. I don’t enjoy doing finances like I used to. I think they are a pain in the wahzoo. My ex did all the bills quite a few years ago and I miss someone taking care of that. I don’t know why I am whining though cause I only have 3 bills. (praise God for that).

G of course wants me to be the bill person in Mexico. He is such a financial control freak though I will have to get a cast iron poker to keep him from breathing down my neck. I’m serious. He manages money well I just assoon he do it.

February 15, 2009

prophetic classes? i never knew there was such a thing. i always thought prophecy was a spiritual gift. lol shows how much i know. im still learning and growing so im still a work in progress obviously 😛 girl i miss ya! glad you’re doing well