THIS is why the internet is bad for you

As if my moodswings haven’t been swinging from the Chandeliers enough today. I go to some website where their talking about rumors of some rapper having HIV and he doesn’t he does have diabetes and seborhetic dermatitis.

Well I go on to try and educate folk on seborhetic dermatitis cause I have it in my scalp have had it since I was a child. It’e basically put cradle cap in adults. It’s like a flaky scablike scalp condition that covers parts of your scalp and itches like dandruff. I can cause your hair to come out if not treated. Then some ignoramus posts that Seborhetic Dermatitis is a symptom of HIV and they go hand in hand cause he googled it.

So I tell him to prove it! I’ve been tested for HIV plenty of times and as a matter of fact we just switched life ins. and big q and I had to get tested back in December. Stupid internet I tell ya. Now I’m all worried and thinking about the last person I slept with over 9 years ago before I met my husband,  if we were protected, and how long it’s supposed to lie dormant and stuff. I’ve been tested for HIV plenty of times and it came back negative so what the heck am I’m so jumpy about? Stupid mood swings.  I don’t know what the deal is with me today but this is SOOO not cool.

I think I need to pray or something…

~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~


Proverbs 25:28


~I pray the desires of my heart flow with His Will.


Ronnie (OD member)




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I used to know the information about dormancy of HIV…but if your test was negative in Dec and the incident was 9 years ago, I am sure you are safe. If you want me to check, let me know…I would have done it now, but I am getting ready to go to work and I am working a long stretch of 4 out 5 12+ hour shifts…

March 18, 2008

The internet is so dumb. Im sure youre ok, Ive never heard of it not showing up for 9 years. Im praying for ya hun… hang in there and thanks for the notes. *hugs*

March 18, 2008

Oooo girl, don’t EVEN let the devil play those mind tricks on you mmmk?

Ugh, the internet and webmd can be a mad combination. **hugs**

the internet isnt as interesting as it once was.

I went to an Arbonne party this last weekend and they claim their baby line of products clears up many things. Expensive but maybe it’s true. I did a facial and foot spa and my face looked better and brighter the next day. (Adult products). I bought a couple things, I’ll let you know : ). I did buy a membership that will let me order things at 35 percent off if your interested. : )

I have an itchy scalp and body by the end of winter and the goat milk soap I just used for shampoo last night helped the itchiness : )

March 18, 2008

Oh wow, people will say anything on the internet. I know it’s hard but try not to give it the satisfaction of making you feel this way. If you’re really worried, get tested again but you said you’ve had seborhetic dermatitis since you were a child and you’ve been tested for HIV so I’m sure that person was just blowing smoke. Stupid people. *big hugs*

I just checked to see the latest information…most people will develop HIV antibodies after exposure within 6-12 weeks…but can be dormant up to 6 months. If not detected after 6 months, then you will not develop HIV from that event 6 months prior. I could not copy the link from the HIV website…but that is pretty much what I knew from years ago. So, if you were concerned about an event 9 yearsago and you had a negative reading in Dec, you are negative…now, if you had exposure within the past 6 months, then the you start the clock all over again…but since you know you have not been exposed since 9 years ago…you are safe.