This is so draining man




This is so draining. Drama is not my element I swear……..

So i talked to the pastor yesterday to ask him what the deal was why was he talking about me and basically all he did was defend himself and say "well they didn’t tell you what they were saying"  who cares. I’m smart enough to know that conversations went on and it wasn’t just one sided but my thing is this. YOU ARE THE PASTOR. You should’ve nipped that in the bud NOT initiated the conversation and then took what I said about God sending me to a woman that has enriched my understanding of the prophetic knowing I told you this in confidence you go back and tell the prophetic team I’m consulting a witch and you just don’t know why I won’t let you meet her. I said first of all I have always extended the invitation for you to meet this sister that has been obviously pouring into me and directing me to the right resources to learn about the call that God has on my life which obviously you aren’t doing.

Then you claim I’m bringing spirits in the church and I had the elders of the church coming in during intercessory prayer to "keep an eye on me" and listen to what I pray? Then outright lied and said you never said that but now that I look back I DO remember the elders coming in sitting and watching while I prayed! This is it I’m not saying I’m leaving, and IF i stay it is only for the souls coming in so they don’t get bamboozled. What about the woman that is coming in and converting from another religion and says God brought her here,  What about the man trying to patch up his marriage after losing it because of drug abuse,  what about the brother that was an atheist and didn’t believe in churches that has now given his heart to the Lord and is trying to learn about God? IF I stay I am definitely NOT contributing as I did I will no longer be a part of the prayer team,  praise and worship,  and you can throw my prophetic team leader label in the garbage because it is over for that as well. If I stay it is only for souls…..

The meeting for the church is tonight but honestly my mind is made up I’m done. I thought I was hurt by my last church but this is FAR worse than that.

Thank you all so much for your prayers

Check out my playlist! They don’t have alot of Gospel on the site but I got what I could:



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OMG I am so sad this happened to you. It is like it is happening to me sister. I am sorry for your hurt and disappointment. My only consolation would be this to you: Is to remember Jesus was persecuted too for his speech, beliefs and actions. Personally I can’t believe you couldn’t find a church you can be happy in. What does Big Q say?

March 11, 2010

Sis, whatever we do, we do it for and in Jesus. I believe the Holy Spirit will comfort, lead and give you wisdom how to deal with this sticky situation. {hugs}