Things turn

I know I’m not supposed to be in here but I just had to give this little tidbit of information and leave you all on a lighter note.

It’s amazing how God can just hear our hearts cry. Yesterday my heart was hurting about a few things. Faves know why…. Anyway I went to the grocery store after leaving work yesterday to get some food for dinner and I get a call from my aunt and she asks me if I want a house? I’m like,  Yeah but you know that guy and I fell out about how he treated us and blah blah blah. She goes, "NO I’m asking you,  DO YOU STILL WANT A HOUSE?" So I’m like yeah ofcourse you know that! So she goes on to tell me that her tenant that is renting our family house has not paid rent all this month and she just found out that the tenant was approved for section 8 and has been looking and is moving out Decemeber 1st. She was in total shock about it because it was really unexpected but we’d had discussion before about us moving into this house because the tenants lease came to an end in Oct of this year. Well the tenant kept stalling and then said she wanted to stay so this was all a surprise to me aunt. So she’s like cool no problem I know someone that WANTS a house to live in and can afford it so she called me. Last night she talked to her tenant and got everything finalized and we’ll be moving in November 30th! REnt is 100.00 cheaper!!!! Praise God! I am putting my notice in with the rental office now to move out in Dec. We’ve already given a deposit and I pay Dec.’s rent next week. I’m so happy about this. And she is willing to work the water bill into the rent where it’s not even a hassle every quarter to pay it and if we overpay it based on our usage then she’ll just take the rent total down for us. Yall don’t know how shocked and happy I was and how I was just praising God in my heart over this. God can shut one door and open another one that FAST! WOW. And this deal is much better cause for one the rent is 100.00 cheaper and the guy that we were dealing with about that house just seems a little too slick for my tastes anyway. This whole situation left a really bad taste in my mouth about him. I KNOW my aunt is really business minded and doesn’t play around when it comes to finances so I can work with her. It isn’t all you owe me a favor type of deal she is serious when it comes to business.

Also not to say that this fast totally focuses on my weight cause it doesn’t but after I went walking this morning I got on the scale and I’ve lost 15 lbs!!!!! OMGosh I was shocked about that one. I noticed I was able to squeeze back into my 18’s ( i couldn’t get them over my hips and thighs before lol) granted I couldn’y button them but I COULD squeeze in them.  Like I said I know I’ll gain some weight back after the fast so I’m not focusing on my weight but man it was really good to see those numbers go down instead of up lol.

And last night in prayer I really poured my heart out to God and handed the biodad situation over to him. I said within myself that I was not going to worry about it because God has my best interests at heart. Come what may I’m just gonna trust God.

Now that I’ve gotten that out and my entry is much happier I wish you all a blessed day!


~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~


Proverbs 25:28


‘I grew up penecostal and I now attend an apostolic church, but I have long ago taken off the denominational boundaries. I’m sick of religion and tradition. I’m more concerned about relationship with God through Jesus Christ.’



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November 20, 2007


November 20, 2007

Yeah!!!! girl, I could start screaming right now!!!! This is such fantastic news! Now, you can call that man and tell him you don’t need his raggedy house! You got another and the rent is cheaper!?!?!?!!? God was just holding out for you! ****claps**** Thank you, Jesus! YES! YES! YES!!!!!!!!!

that is totally awesome girlie, im sooo happy for you. I know you were Praising God for that one, that is great.

November 20, 2007

RYN: No, I was talking about Shae when I said my baby. She has to have a CT scan done today and they have to sedate her, and I don’t want them to. :o( I’ll read and reply to the entry when I get home, I gotta go get dressed. :o)

November 20, 2007

Awesome! *o/* Abba had something better for you! All in God’s hands! **Does a little praise dance**

November 20, 2007

So happy for you. Must be the best Christmas present from the Lord. Looks like busy days ahead. God bless.

November 20, 2007

halleluyer! look at our Daddy showing off:) i’m so happy for you and the family.

God works in mysterious ways. Most things happen for a reason, we just don’t always see it at the time. Congrats on the new place. I’m very happy for you all. **hugs**

Nice turn for the better! TYJ!

November 20, 2007

YAY!! Im so happy for you Hun!

November 20, 2007

Praise God for ALL of that!

November 20, 2007


awesome report