Their hearts shall be revealed

Yanno what I’m glad Obama got elected because God’s Word is coming to pass.

It was prophecied that there would be a shifting in the earth and in the Kingdom of God. A shaking in the earth and only the righteous will stand. They shall be like trees planted by the rivers of water whose leaves always stay green. They shall be steadfast, unmovable,  and always abounding in the work of the Lord. All of the seperation that exists in the church today’s walls must be torn down and if this is a way to get it to come tumbling then so be it! Sunday is THE most segregated day of the week in this WORLD but we call it the Lord’s day. The Lord would not stand for all of this division. So hopefully with Obama in office all of the race issues can be brought to the surface and killed out so that UNITY can finally come.

You see during this election,  that old nasty spirit of racism and prejudice is rearing it’s ugly head. ON BOTH SIDES OF THE FENCE. Yeah I said it BOTH sides. BLACK AND WHITE. Ofcourse we all knew that there would be a few bigots to oppose having a black man in power (when the reality is that he is not JUST a black man he is interracial get it right!), then you have those that vote in the name of the Lord that challenge his policies and try to measure them up with God’s word. Since when did Jesus get on the city council and make decisions? He said render unto Ceasar ( taxes, govt) what is Ceasar’s and unto God what is God’s. That is what seperation of Church and state or about. So whoop-tee-do we all know that there were gonna be extremist conservative Christians against his running. Although I don’t understand how he has all of a sudden become the anti-christ after making it known that he is a Christian himself. But then you have those that were for him simply because he is black. Yanno what call me crazy but I’m calling it exactly as I see it cause I’ve seen BOTH sides of the fence from BOTH perspectives and it’s enough to make my stomach turn.

The point of my entry today is the racism and prejudice that lies in peoples hearts whether black or white will soon be revealed. I got some text messages yesterday from some friends that literally turned my stomach. Then I go to the web to read about the reaction and there are sites out there with Kill Obama and folks saying things like " Oh he’s just gonna try to push his black agendas on America’, people making comments like,  well we don’t know if he’s a N*()&@!,  or an Arab…. WHAT?!?!? You’ve got to be kidding me!

YES this is a historical moment. YES I believe that Obama is going to make the necessary changes to get this nation BACK on track, and YES I’ve been reading about Obama since he was elected to the Senate and before then. I knew whom he was WAYYYYY before this election and his background and life is a serious testament to truimph over trials. Whether ppl wanna believe that or not it is what it is. It’s very inspirational. But please understand,  he is yet and still just a MAN. He is not God and people idolizing him can come across a little cult-ish but nonetheless I do like his policies and his ideals. Throughout this race his character has constantly been bulldozed and mud has constantly been slung his way. But that was for his benefit because in both instances he choose to turn the other cheek and it prevailed. Sounds like something a man of God would do in my opinion. Regardless I just wanted to send out a message to the people of America.

Please keep it classy. Obama’s skin color has NOTHING to do with his ideals of running this country. He has not yet shown me that. As a matter of fact if he had I wouldn’t have voted for him.

Michelle Obama is beautiful to me and she stands by her man no matter what. I think she will be a wonderful first lady and I HOPE after the presidency that she starts up her own clothing line or reveals whom her stylist is. She looks great in every photoop that I’ve seen her in (except for the polls but so what).

Okay rant over.


Check out my playlist! They don’t have alot of Gospel on the site but I got what I could:



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November 6, 2008

Keeping it real, thank you. My stomach was churning yesterday to with all intense emotion. But you already know that with my entry. Change is never taken well.

November 6, 2008

I have no problem with change, but when you start talking about some of his policies, I posted a audio file. What P.E. Obama is talking about is socialism, one step away from communism and that is what scares me most of all. If you work for it and earn it you deserve it. If you don’t put forth the effort you don’t deserve it. Basic fundamentals our country was founded he wants to take that away. Are you really ready to give up our hard won freedoms? Now don’t get me wrong, I’m so for taking care of the elderly and those like my father and FIL, whom are medically retired. But if you can’t get up off your assest and work, if you don’t even try you don’t deserve a darn thing. And I quote “God helps those whom help themselves”. I value you as an OD friend and I value your opinions, I just pray that you looked into ALL of PE Obama’s proposed changes before you voted. And yes I agree it’s about time we elected a person of color(non issue for me) but it needs to be for the right reasons. Changing for the sake of change is NEVER good. L. ps love the Reggae

It’s horrible that someone would say they hope our president is assisinated. I don’t care how bad or how good a president is, hoping someone to be killed is horrendous!

November 6, 2008


its all good lol

Geeze, I been listening to them jump Sarah Palin’s crap for how long now? I’m tired of it and they are still doing it. I would have a wait and see attitude with either party. I wanted Ron Paul and he weazled out. he would have done well with the economy the way it went.