The wells that God Provides



I am sure that God assigns his children to wells of untapped revelation and resources to help us along in our journey. My wells usually comes in the form of People. Lately every new friendship has been God Ordained Divine appointments. No real friendship has come haphazardly it’s actually something that God Orchestrates.

I’ve had some unbelief issues every once in a blue moon about going solo and ministering in song but every time I take one step forward God has provided even more for me. It’s amazing really. I’ve had out of town venues wondering how I’d make it there and received gas cards in the mail,  I’ve doubted getting the money together to get into the studio and then someone will call me and give me studio time at next to nothing. I was invited to sing at a venue by a well known and respected place and was really honored to be one of only 3 people asked to come out and ministered and the feedback was overwhelming.

Well the latest well that God has lead me to has been in the form of a woman with a beautiful spirit that is formerly trained in vocal lessons,  piano,  and directing choirs. We met in Lexy’s Noveau Chamber Players strings group last year. Her daughter plays violin with Lexy. We got a chance to talk about how great of an opportunity it was for the kids talked alot about God and then she invited me to a service she was coordinating for her church.

The chamber players played in a venue and while there they had a young soloist play on the piano and his playing was unbelievable!! I mean it was like he had a thousand fingers and he was only 14 YEARS OLD!!!! She had trained him to play the piano from a baby. I was shocked. the skill was amazing the anointing was powerful. I didn’t know that she was THAT good. Well turns out the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra knows her well she has done venues and everything for them. I knew none of this we were just really good friends because of Noveau. She knew I could sing because one of her girlfriends used to go to the church that I was at when I sung on praise and Worship so she’d heard about me but like I said our conversations were never on that.

Back in May i started praying for help in everything and one day we had a conversation and she out right told me that God told her to work with me as far as vocal training, helping with accompaniment and anything else I needed in that area. I called her yesterday (we haven’t spoken in a while, kids weren’t playing) and she was able to help me discover some great things even in conversation.

The last venue that I sung at I noticed this reoccurring thing. I have to belt out my songs usually due to bad sounds systems or whatever but this last venue the mic the sound system was crystal clear. I was so happy about that and when I got up to sing I could hear EVERYTHING. when I say everything I mean I can hear everything and it was NOT good. I’m so used to belting my songs that I lose my inflections,  and my energy is so high that I lose my breathing and thge control of my voice is no longer there. an untrained ear cannot hear this because I can cover it up very well but I heard it all! At that point I said Okay God I need help. I need performance training. I can sing well control my breathing,  pitch and sound it’s in an performance atmosphere that I lose my suave and turn into a powerhouse full out. I need balance.

So I saw her recently and in passing conversation we discussed it. and after I said I need your help she said " what it is is you are transistioning and you need to learn how to go from being a choir/background/group singer to a soloist. AHA! Bingo! That was it!!!! It’s mental as well as physical as well as spiritual but she hit the nail on the HEAD! 

I have never really full out been a soloist. I’ve sung at weddings,  and things like that but for the most part I’ve always been a part of a group,  choir,  quartet and I need to learn the transistion to relax and the obtaining the health of my body. I am so happy that she is helping me I could jump over the Moon LOL.


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yup the key band that stretches is what I was talking about. Oh good so glad someone is helping you to reach your potential. People need people. I didn’t use to think so but I believe God uses the whole body and not just a limb or two. We need each other.

September 22, 2011

We do cross path with people for a reason, don’t we? Praise God, for your singing talent,sis.

September 24, 2011

Don’t belt. Sing within your range. Belting can have long term effects on your vocal chords. Our choir had a vocal therapist give a hour long seminar that was eye opening and informative. Another choir director who we were involved with was stong against belting.

September 24, 2011

What do you think about Aretha Franklin and Whitney Houston? I saw Aretha on Ophra and she was so hourse, she could still sing but you can hear the wear and tear on her voice. Now Whitney, a different type and style of singing, I think neglect and drugs took a toll on her control.

September 24, 2011

A lot of artist are very good but then there are those who I consider to stand alone and can naturally sing without effort. Aretha is one, who comes to mind, Sam Cooke, Bill Withers and a few others Oh, Otis Redding. As I write this I guess I gauge it by if or how a person can almost whisper a song or parts of it like Mahaiah Jackson.

September 24, 2011

How could I not mention Roberta Flack? One who can sign very softly and hold a note without losing the pitch is my criteria. Stylw is a different matter at lest to me. Less is more as far as I am concerned. Just because you can do something doesn’t mean it has to be done. Aretha over sings to much in my opinion.

September 24, 2011

So sing sister sing. As David ministered to King Saul, do so to the people you sing to but mostly sing to the King of Kings and lead others into His presence in humble adoration.

September 25, 2011

Termi I will hopefully be meeting with the vocal coach soon I’m not sure if I know how to Not belt. hmm I think it has to do with control and breathing but I’ll see if she can teach me how to not belt. I love both whitney and aretha but I think drugs took over whitneys voice it will never be the same and for aretha sickness. Oh! I LOVE Roberta Flack she has a very pretty voice.

September 25, 2011

Termi I have a very wide range from Soprano to Tenor although I am most comfortable in Alto-Tenor range. Somehow when I do concerts though my energy levels make singin soprano extremely easy for me. I don’t know if I could compare myself to any greats or anything like that but I’d say I’ve been compared to Kelly Price as far as range and vibrato and Ledisi as far as the belting.