The diagnosis

Well it’s official i need a new engine. *shed a brief tear*

From what midas says the car jumped time,  the timing belt then smacked the valve and did internal damage to my motor. They are researching prices on getting a nother engine so that it can be replaced but he did let me know on the phone that the labor alone is over 1000.00.  Ok.  Well my car is paid off and I honestly cannot afford a car note right now so whatever the cost I guess Im gonna have to cover it unless it’s the price of buying  a new car.

I talked to one of the maintenance guys here that has been helping me with the car since it broke down and he told me, I’d be better off not having midas install it. They will rape you with the pricing. He said there are plenty of guys here that have their own shops and work as mechanics part time that can pull an excellent engine out of another car and replace your engine for you. My uncle is also a mechanic and he usually does all my work so I’ll run it past him too. But whomever does the work will have to have an engine crane to pickup the engine. So I’m thinking I’ll take the latter.

Now my car was hit in a hit and run 5 years ago and I had this guy by the name of Dana restore my car to where it was practically brand new. He has great prices and he’s very professional and he has the cleanest shop I’ve ever seen in my life. Seriously lol, one time I asked him,  do you all do any work in here? He said ofcourse we do. We just clean up when we’re done lol. And I remember at one point in time I went to Midas in a diff location to get some work done to my car and while discussing the problems I happen to tell the mechanic something Dana said. And he stopped me mid sentence and asked," you have DANA doing your work?" Oh well you need to take your car back to him. I’ve worked with him before and I will NOT take his business he is the best babe. ummm ok. So I know Dana is the guy ti contact and I know he’ll work with me.

Oh yeah we went to the studio last night to record one of my songs and it was really productive. We had some serious challenges getting there because almost everybody’s cars are either gone or broke down… whassup with that? But we made it recorded and it sounds really good.

OK now that I’ve updated imma get on to some of these projects I’ve got going.

See ya!

I hope this is easier for you guys to read.


~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~

Proverbs 25:28

~I pray the desires of my heart flow with His Will.

Ronnie (OD member)

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January 10, 2008

“we had some serious challenges getting there because almost everybodies cars are either gone or broke down… whassup with that?” Spiritual Warfare baby! Bring it on! 😀 I feel pugnacious today. I hate it when cars have troubles, b/c I know nothing on how to fix it.

I would not let Midas or any of the chains do major car work like engine overhaul…I utilize them for tires, brakes, exhausts…and most chains I have dealt with do try to get away with padding charges. Easier reading, thanks!

January 10, 2008

Good luck with the car! It’s good you found someone great who can work on your car! *HUGS*

January 10, 2008

awww goodluck with the car honey!

And I’m whining about brake pads. Ugggg. Why do vehicles cost so much. I am really feeling the effects of higher gas prices and food prices. did you see a hike in your food prices too? RYN: I am talking about all exercise, regular walks and yoga and I used to do Tai Bo tape, an ab tape and pilates . I just wrote my daughter, what happened to my life? I know the pins in my feet make it

difficult to do as much as I used to but I can still do more than I do. I can’t wait to buy a CD of yours!

Car problems are so stressful and aggrivating. Not to mention expensive. Sorry you need a new engine.