Thanks Guys

I just want to thank you all so much for your notes of enouragement. After I had my hissy fit I walked away for a second called my husband and whined and then I came back in got a little defiant and stopped working then started back up and had to bring the hammer down on a couple of minial retarded projects that HR tries to put on me and I felt much better. Got home and our praise and worship team had a meeting at the church @ 6:30 as well as practice. We met and prayed and sang and I felt so much better.

It’s something about when we get together my whole mood changes. It’s like that’s what I LOVE LOVE LOVE to do. Fellowship with my girls and the musicians and sing and praise God. It has been prophesied to us over and over that our sound is unique and that God is going to open the doors for us to get  paid doing what we are doing,  CD’s,  exposure,  the whole works. And that is indeed the ONE thing I am very very very good at. I can praise and worship and pray my butt off. I LOVE Shut-in’s ,  I LOVE fasting to get closer to God (no really I do lol). I Love disecting the word of God and thirsting after more. It’s been prophesied that it is about to happen really soon and that we need to prepare for it all and not try to get noticed because God is going to place in places where his favor will be upon us when we go. It is already coming to pass. This weekend we have to worship @ a convention in Springfield,  OH with our pastor (he is speaking),  from a church that is dead set against freeflowing worship so we’re looking forward to seeing how this will turn out. Just praying that God goes before us in it all and that Souls are saved, healed,  delivered and restored in Jesus.

Today as far as work I’m doing much better. Ofcourse it IS still 8:00AM too but I don’t care I’m not letting anything affect me today.

Once again I want to thank you all for your kind words of encouragement and as Reina suggested I am going to look into some one day seminars maybe in July or August. Seemingly My schedule tends to get booked solid on the weekends I have no idea how this happens but it does lol. After work schedule is pretty loaded daily as well so it would have to be a weekend thing.

Thanks again for all my faves and random noters that comment. I like to read notes lol. Just as long as it’s not combative and debate-like. I refuse to explain myself to people but yanno how that goes. If you wanna know why I do this and that simply…… read me lol.  It’s all there.

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This entry is definately your normal outbeat entry. I’m glad that you are feeling better. Is freeflow worship just where anyone can help lead the worship as the spirit moves them?

ryn: LOL, my dad hates it too. He says it reminds him of a baby poop.

June 21, 2007

Glad you are doing better. I know that great feeling! =)

ryn: That’s interesting. I go to a boring Lutheran church so the most excitement we get is if we clap after someone sings, LOL. I go to the early service that is all old hymns but the later service is more upbeat and doesn’t follow the old church standard rules.

June 21, 2007

Yay for being in a better mood! I know it sucks sometimes, but you’re just growing :~) God gave you this position, so he knew what you were up against, and he also knew that you could do it.

I have 3 more, the next appt is just a cleaning, but then the one after that is preping my tooth for a crown (the one with the temp filing) they wanna get to it before it hits the nerve and i end up needing a root canal.EEEEK. and then the last one (hopefully lol) is for them to put the crown on.